Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Financial crisis in East Asia: A macroeconomic perspective
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1998)
The East Asian crisis occurred despite highly impressive macroeconomic performance and prudent fiscal policies pursued by the severely affected countries which enjoyed excellent international credit rating till June 1997. ...
India's response to the changing international telecommunications environment
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1999)
There are fundamental changes taking place in the international telecommunications environment. Most important is the technological revolution of "converged networks" brought about by the development of the internet. ...
Characteristics of private medical practice in India: A provider perspective
Supply factors, depicted by input market conditions and government regulations, and demand factors, depicted by financing mechanisms and utilization patterns, are likely to determine the shape and character of private ...
Macroeconomic Analysis of the Union Budget 1998-99
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1998)
There were several expectations as well as apprehensions about the maiden budget of the newly elected coalition government led by the BJP. This paper by Bakul Dholakia presents a critical appraisal of the macroeconomic ...
Competitiveness of Indian Manufacturing: Findings of the 1997 Manufacturing Futures Survey
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1998)
This paper by Pankaj Chandra and Trilochan Sastry reports the findings of a survey to study the competitiveness of Indian manufacturing sector. The paper identifies the priorities of Indian manufacturing firms, the programmes ...
Regulating the private health care sector: The case of the Indian Consumer Protection Act
(Oxford University Press, 1996)
Private medical provision is an important constituent of health care delivery services in India. The quality of care provided by this sector is a critical issue. Professional organizations such as the Medical Council of ...
Market Driven Manufacturing : A Requirements Analysis
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1996)
In this paper, Kunal Basu and Pankaj Chandra develop a framework for market driven manufacturing that identifies market conditions and success requirements for determining the necessary manufacturing focus. These are then ...
Budget: A retrograde for agriculture
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1997)
According to the author, though the budget has some positive initiatives for agriculture, they are unlikely to pull the sector out of its poor growth in postreform period. Moreover, the budget shows that the govern~ent ...
Asoka Spintex
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 1999)
The case featured in this issue discusses the turnaround of Asoka Spintex from an ailing company in 1987 to a growing company in the year 1997. What strategies should Anang Lalbhai adopt for the long-term survival of the ...
Source sink flows with capacity installation in batches
(Elsevier, 1998)
We consider the problem of sending flow from a source to a destination where there are flow costs on each arc and fixed costs toward the purchase of capacity. Capacity can be purchased in batches of C units on each arc. ...