Now showing items 21-40 of 336

    • Agility and the transition from uncertainty to recovery: the Indian IT industry and COVID-19 

      D'Cruz, Premilla; Noronha, Ernesto (Elgar Online, 2023-07-01)
      This paper reports a study of how the Indian IT industry navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. Agility emerged as the crucial determining factor aiding the industry’s successful survival. IT organisations’ agility, facilitated ...
    • Zoning strategies for human–robot collaborative picking 

      Azadeh, Kaveh; Roy, Debjit; Koster, René de; Ghorashi Khalilabadi, Seyyed Mahdi (Wiley, 2023-12-20)
      During the last decade, several retailers have started to combine traditional store deliveries with the fulfillment of online sales to consumers from omni-channel warehouses, which are increasingly being automated. A popular ...
    • Assessing policy options for sustainable water use in India's cereal production system 

      Singh, Vartika; Stevanovic, Miodrag; Jha, Chandan Kumar; Beier, Felicitas; Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar; Lotze-Campen, Hermann; Popp, Alexander (IOP Publishing, 2023-10-05)
      In India, the production of rice and wheat account for more than 80% of its total agricultural water use. As farming is highly dependent on water availability, rapidly receding water levels require urgent measures to manage ...
    • Assessing policy options for sustainable water use in India's cereal production system 

      Singh, Vartika; Stevanovi´c, Miodrag; Jha, Chandan Kumar; Beier, Felicitas; Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar; Lotze-Campen, Hermann; Popp, Alexander (IOP Publishing, 2023-10-05)
      In India, the production of rice and wheat account for more than 80% of its total agricultural water use. As farming is highly dependent on water availability, rapidly receding water levels require urgent measures to ...
    • The local environment matters: Evidence from digital healthcare services for patient engagement 

      Aljafari, Ruba; Soh, Franck; Setia, Pankaj; Agarwal, Ritu (Springer Nature, 2023-09-20)
      The creation and delivery of healthcare services are being transformed through patient-engaging digital services. However, their effects on hospital performance are unclear. We build on the theoretical foundations of ...
    • Cooperative security against interdependent risks 

      Gopalakrishnan, Sanjith; Sankaranarayanan, Sriram (Wiley, 2023-07-07)
      Firms in interorganizational networks are exposed to interdependent risks that are transferable across partner firms, such as contamination in food supply chains or data breaches in technology networks. They can be decomposed ...
    • An abstract model for branch and cut 

      Kazachkov, Aleksandr M.; Bodic, Pierre Le; Sankaranarayanan, Sriram (Springer Link, 2023-06-30)
      Branch and cut is the dominant paradigm for solving a wide range of mathematical programming problems—linear or nonlinear—combining efficient search (via branch and bound) and relaxation-tightening procedures (via cutting ...
    • Circular economy business models as pillars of sustainability: where are we now, and where are we heading? 

      Hina, Maryam; Chauhan, Chetna; Sharma, Rajat; Dhir, Amandeep (Wiley, 2023-06-20)
      The prior literature has discussed the benefits of the circular economy business model (CEBM) while working to streamline the environmental aspect, touching upon the social aspect and improving the economic aspect. These ...
    • Temporal dynamics of justice climate and team innovation. 

      Tripathi, N.; Sangar, S. (Tripathi and Sangar, 2023-02-01)
      Team innovation—exploration and exploitation of useful and novel ideas by a team has been a topic of great importance for organizations in today’s dynamic, complex, and competitive environment. Grounded in the social ...
    • The story of this special issue on critical perspectives in work and organizational psychology 

      Abrams, R.; Bal, P. M.; D'Cruz, P.; Hornung, S.; Islam, G.; McDonald, M.; Tonelli, M. J. (International Association of Applied Psychology, 2022-12-05)
      In this editorial, we tell the story of how the Special Issue on Critical Perspectives in Workand Organizational Psychology (CWOP) came about, how it fits within the broader agendaof building a critical community within ...
    • Connecting the right knots: The impact of board committee interlocks on the performance of Indian firms 

      Edacherian, Saneesh; Richter, Ansgar; Karna, Amit; Gopalakrishnan, Balagopal (2023-03-21)
      Research Question/Issue Information processing, agency, and resource dependence perspectives provide diverging predictions regarding the relationship between board interlocks and firm performance, which are rooted in ...
    • Comparing transformation pathways across major economies 

      Schaeffer, R.; Koberle, A.; Soest, H. L. van; Bertram, C.; Luderer, G.; Riahi, K.; Garg, A.; Mathur, R. (Springer Nature, 2020-08-24)
      This paper explores the consequences of different policy assumptions and the derivation of globally consistent, national low-carbon development pathways for the seven largest greenhouse gas (GHG)–emitting countries (EU28 ...
    • Embodying Change at Work: an autoethnography in the Indian public sector 

      Chakraborty, Saikat (TQR Publications, 2020-05-17)
      Beyond the macro picture of change in the Indian public sector triggered by economic deregulation and restructuration, the variegated experiences of employees exposed to organizational changes remain hidden and masked. ...
    • Marketplace literacy as a pathway to a better world: evidence from field experiments in low-access subsistence marketplaces 

      Viswanathan, Madhubalan; Umashankar, Nita; Sreekumar, Arun; Goreczny, Ashley (SAGE Publications, 2021-02-10)
      Multinational companies increasingly focus on subsistence marketplaces, given their enormous market potential. Nevertheless, their potential is untapped because subsistence consumers face extreme constraints. The authors ...
    • The rise of the technological manager in India in the 1960s: the role of the Indian institutes of management 

      Tumbe, Chinmay (Taylor & Francis, 2020-06-20)
      A distinctive aspect of India’s managerial elite is that it is dominated by people with an educational background in engineering. This paper unravels the history of how this major phenomenon arose, by tracking the evolution ...
    • Managing career plateau: case of Aster Retail, UAE 

      Trivedi, Bhumi Mahesh; Varkkey, Biju (Emerald, 2020-11-15)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper is to discuss how Aster Retail (AR), UAE, handled career plateau challenge by adopting multiple strategies and earning employee commitment and motivation for business growth. Design/ ...
    • Too much care private healthcare sector and caesarean sections in India 

      Mitul, Surana; Dongre, Ambrish (The Sameeksha Trust, 2020-08-29)
      In the context of India where public expenditure on healthcare is low, the private sector plays an important role in delivering healthcare during childbirth. An analysis of the latest round of National Family Health Survey ...
    • Modeling and design of container terminal operations 

      Roy, Debjit; Koster, Rene De; Bekker, Rene (Informs, 2020-04-23)
      The design of container terminal operations is complex because multiple factors affect operational performance. These factors include numerous choices for handling technology, terminal topology, and design parameters and ...
    • The oil and gas sector in India: balancing business policies and public interest by the Supreme Court of India 

      Mohan, M P Ram; Yadav, Shashi Kant (Elsevier, 2021-04-19)
      Indian authorities have formulated and implemented several policies for exploration, production, refining, transportation, and distribution of its Oil & Gas (O&G) resources. With respect to governance of O&G industry, ...
    • Exclusion clauses under the Indian contract law: A need to nccount for unreasonableness 

      Mohan, M. P. Ram; Jain, Anmol (Elsevier, 2021-02-09)
      The Indian contract law continues to follow the classical contract law model under which parties may, in exercise of their autonomy, limit or exclude their liability for breach of contract. As long as parties have freely ...