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dc.contributor.authorRathi, Chetan
dc.contributor.authorVyas, Aniruddha
dc.contributor.authorBachani, Neeta
dc.contributor.authorPanicker, Gopi
dc.contributor.authorLokhandwala, Yash
dc.identifier.citationRathi, C., Vyas, A., Bachani, N., Panicker, G., & Lokhandwala, Y. (2021). Correlation of newer indices of dyssynchrony with clinical response in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronisation therapy. Indian Heart Journal, 73(2), 223-227.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe benefits of CRT in select subsets of systolic heart failure patients with LBBB are proven. We prospectively evaluated conventional and newer echocardiographic parameters of left ventricular dyssynchrony in 35 patients who underwent CRT and were followed up after 6 months. Of the 33 surviving patients, 21 were echocardiographic responders and 24 were clinical responders. The parameters in clinical responders and non-responders were compared. The anatomic M Mode parameters of delays improved, while the radial strain and the mitral valve velocity time integral (MVVTI) did not show any significant change after CRT.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofIndian Heart Journalen_US
dc.subjectHeart failureen_US
dc.subjectBiventricular pacemakeren_US
dc.titleCorrelation of newer indices of dyssynchrony with clinical response in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronisation therapyen_US

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