Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Job stress of a creative manager 

      Manimala, Mathew (2010-03-22)
      The 'inverted-U' relationship between stress and performance is well-known. It is reasonable to assume a similar relationship between stress and creativity. However, very little is known about the reverse relationship; the ...
    • Locus of control as a moderator of role stress-satisfaction relationship 

      Pestonjee, D. M.; Singh, U. B. (2010-03-13)
      Present investigation is an attempt to study the effect of locus of control on the relationship between various role stressors and satisfaction with many off-the-job and on-the-job situations. 101 executives and engineers ...
    • Role conflict, tension and job satisfaction: a study of medical representatives 

      Mehta, Subhash C.; Chawla, D.; Pandya, A.M.; Roy, Surupa (2010-03-13)
      The present study was designed to empirically examine the following questions: (1) What are the most significant determinants of the concepts of role conflict, role clarity, quality of supervision, job tension and job ...