Now showing items 1461-1480 of 2627

    • Stress and mental workload: a study in an industrial organisation 

      Desai, Tripti P. (2010-03-23)
      The purpose of the study was to i) to identify and determine the differential response profile for three levels in management, on the different measures of stress. ii) to identify and determine the differential response ...
    • Exploratory study of key performance areas and competency requirements of young management graduates 

      Rao, T. V.; Solanki, Pramod K. (2010-03-23)
      The study aimed at exploring the nature of activities and tasks performed by young management graduates and the skills (human, technical and conceptual) required to perform them effectively.Forty four management graduates ...
    • How much does money matter in India 

      Sharma, Ram Lal (2010-03-23)
      How much money matters i.e. to what extent changes in the stock of money affect economic activity represented by nominal national income or real national income, has been hotly debated in the literature of monetary economics. ...
    • Technology finance entrepreneur linkages 

      Ramachandran, K. (2010-03-23)
      Development of entrepreneurship depends not only on the supply of credit, but also on appropriate technology especially in backward areas. There have been several credit facilities offered to small firms, and there have ...
    • Valid inequalities and facets of the multi product capacitated lot-sizing problem with changeover costs 

      Magnanti, Thomas. L.; Sastry, S. Trilochan (2010-03-23)
      The polyhedral structure of various versions of the single item lot-sizing problem have been studies previously. These include the uncapacitated and capacitated versions of the problem, with and without changeover costs. ...
    • Marine fisheries development: an outlook at turn of the century and key policy issues 

      Srivastava, U. K. (2010-03-23)
      Country has made remarkable progress in the sea food exports particularly in the recent years when the export has crossed Rs.400 crores. In this sense the stratehgy for marine fisheries development in India may be considered ...
    • Economic order quantity when ordering costs are lot size dependent 

      Gupta, Omprakash K. (2010-03-23)
      Classical EOQ model assumes that the ordering cost A is constant and independent of lot size. This paper deals with the case when A depends on the lot size and increases at a decreasing rate. Firstly A is assumed to increase ...
    • Scientific perception of farmers innovations in dry regions: barriers to the scientific curiosity 

      Gupta, Anil K. (2010-03-23)
      In a recent study (i) based on the field work in semi-aridparts of India we had asked mainly the biological but some social scientists to narrate any practice of the farmers which had intrigued them. The scientists included ...
    • Excursion from the pure to the applied in experimental social psychology: a reaffirmation of faith 

      Misra, Sasi (2010-03-23)
      This paper evaluates from the author's points of view, the current status of experimental social psychology as a positive science and a means of solving problems faced by potential users of social psychological knowledge. ...
    • Simulation models to evaluate railway operating policies 

      Manikutty, S.; Raghuram, G.; Rao, V. Venkata (2010-03-23)
      In this paper, we describe two applications of simulation models to evaluate the following railway operating policies: 1. Loco assignment at a junction, and 2. Twin single line versus orthodox double line operation. The ...
    • When does the equal income lindahl equilibrium solotion satisfy resource Monotonicity 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-03-23)
      In this paper we show that the Equal Income Lindahl Equilibrium solution Function satisfies resource monotonicity when preferences are quasi-linear and there is a constant returns to scale technology converting private ...
    • Marketing of fresh water fishes in India 

      Srivastava, U. K. (2010-03-23)
      In this paper an attempt has been made to analyse the marketing patter (use flows, physical flows, channel flows and fisherman's share in consumer rupee) of fresh water fishes and to summarize the key area for action to ...
    • Trade unionism in India: a statistical analysis 

      Verma, Pramod (2010-03-23)
      This paper hypothesises that the growth in trade union membership has been considerably influenced by the economic conditions of workers and the activities undertaken by the unions to protect or improve these conditions. ...
    • Priority areas for research in the operations of small enterprises 

      Srivastava, U. K. (2010-03-23)
      In the past few years, there has been a growing recognization of a role of small enterprises in promoting industrial development. Accordingly several efforts have been made to encourage the entrepreneurship and strengthening ...
    • A computer based crew scheduling system for freight trains in Indian railways 

      Raghuram, G.; Rao, V. Venkata (2010-03-23)
      This paper describes the design and implementation of an online PC-based crew allocation and management system for freight trains on Indian Railways. The software allows different rules to be used for calling the crew so ...
    • Mastershares: enigmatic performance 

      Barua, Samir K.; Varma, Jayanth R. (2010-03-23)
      In this paper we have examined the performance of Mastershares, the first all equity close ended growth fund established by the Unit Trust of India (UTI) in the country, using the various portfolio performance measures ...
    • Simplest problem in optimal control revisited 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-03-23)
      In this paper, we define and study the simplest problemin optimal control theory, withdifferential inequalities determining the evolution of state variables. We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality.
    • Leasing industry in India: structure and prospects 

      Pandey, I. M. (2010-03-23)
      The aim of this paper is to critically evaluate the structure and prospects of the leasing industry in India. Financial data of 29 selected leasing companies are analyzed to formulate the strategic groups of the leasing ...
    • Regionalizing a national input-output table 

      Dholakia, Ravindra H. (2010-03-23)
      In the present paper it is argued that the most popular among the non-survey methods to estimate regional input-output tables, namely the RAS methods is not a consistent and efficient alternative non-survey methods is, ...
    • Development of the Capital market in India: A regulatory perspective 

      Gupta, Ramesh (2010-03-23)
      Capital markets are an important mobilizer of resources for the corporate sector. Investors' confidence is key to the healthy developments of capital markets, it is necessary that comprehensive and adequate laws exist to ...