Now showing items 1701-1720 of 2627

    • India's exports of capital goods an evaluation 

      Rath, Dillip; Sahoo, Amerendra (2010-03-15)
      This paper evaluates the recent performance of Indiazs capital goods exports and finds that it is not so impressive in comparative terms. It also analyses the determinants of exports using econometric techniques and develops ...
    • Revelation principle for general principal: agents problems with incomplete information 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-03-15)
      In this paper we propose a model of a general principal - agents problem (with many agents) in which players choose actions and signals as pert of their strategy. Subsequently we show that any principal - agents problem ...
    • A study of the training needs of IAS officers 

      Joseph, Jerome (2010-03-15)
      The study has made an attempt to gain an insight into the training needs of IAS Officers in the 10-16 years category from their own point of view. Data for the study was generated from programme feedback reports, exploratory ...
    • Leadership and human resource management styles of senior and top level managers 

      Rao, T. V.; Selvan, Tamil S.; Kumar, Rakesh (2010-03-15)
      This paper reports in detail a Leadership Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) developed to measure the Benevolent, Critical and Developmental styles of manages. This questionnaire has two forms; one for self-assessment and the ...
    • Mou: more memorandum than understanding 

      Murthy, K. R. S. (2010-03-15)
      The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Government of India and public enterprises is the latest technique adopted to improve management of these enterprises. Will the MOU's improve the situation? Based on the ...
    • Eoq model under price change anticipation for a system with insufficient storage capacity 

      Shah, Nitin R.; Shah, Y. K. (2010-03-15)
      When a price change is announced in an inventory system, a one time decision has to be made to purchase a large quantity Q' before the price change becomes effective, to take advantage of current lower price. In this note, ...
    • International trade in textiles with special reference to South Asia 

      Wadhva, Charan D.; Mote, Vasant (2010-03-15)
      This study has been primarily concerned with the issues and perspectives on the historical evolution and working of the arrangements governing international trade in "textiles", particularly the last such arrangement, ...
    • Measurement of attitudes 

      Arul, M. J.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-15)
      People have likes and dislikes and have them in varying degrees. But why study and measure them? Attitudes are action tendencies and as such they can facilitate or hinder action at all levels: individual, group, community, ...
    • Allocators' maturity as an explanation for inconsistency in cognitive algebra of reward distribution 

      Singh, Ramadhar (2010-03-14)
      According to equity theory, reward for a person should be proportional to his input or deservingness. Experimental tests of this ratio rule with information integration theory have not yielded consistent results. The same ...
    • Network programming approach for investment planning in electric power systems: case study for Northern Region of India 

      Mukherjee, Shishir K. (2010-03-14)
      The purpose of this paper is to describe a Network Programming Model for least-cost investment in electric power generation and transmission system and illustrate it by a case study involving application of this model to ...
    • A survey of advertising themes in 1970's 

      Mohan, Manendra (2010-03-14)
      Advertising is a reflection of the total environment of the society; hence advertisers are expected to respond to the changing needs and expectations of their potential audience. To find out the changing trend of themes, ...
    • Performance of task-oriented and relation-oriented persons on a reward allocation task 

      Singh, Ramadhar (2010-03-14)
      Subjects who scored low and high on Fielder's least preferred coworker scale were provided with information about Behavior and performance of two workers of several groups, and were asked to distribute a fixed sum of money ...
    • Marketing orientation in Indian industry 

      Mehta, Subhash C.; Joag, Shreekant G. (2010-03-14)
      An instrument with 54 items was developed to measure marketing orientation of Indian companies. Ninety-one senior marketing executives from a cross section of Indian manufacturing companies provided data on their perceptions ...
    • MIS-Marketing by the dream merchants: the case of state lotteries 

      Joag, Shreekant G.; Mehta, Subhash C. (2010-03-14)
      The paper pleads for a total review of state operated lotteries in India. The idea of state run lotteries came with the laudable objective of mobilizing surplus money in the society by exploiting the gambling instinct and ...
    • Visuals in advertising 

      Shingi, P. M. (2010-03-14)
      Illustrations, generally composed of subjects, objects, symbols, letters and their combinations, have great value of providing detailed information not easily amenable to written descriptions. While commenting on the ...
    • Management contribution to population programs: an overview 

      Satia, J. K.; Maru, Rushikesh M. (2010-03-14)
      A considerable effort has been devoted all over the world during the last decade on improvement in management of population programmes. This paper reviews experiences in selected developing countries and addresses the ...
    • The communication effects gap: a fields experiment on television and agricultural ignorance in India 

      Shingi, P. M.; Mody, Bella (2010-03-14)
      This paper attempts to interpret a part of the findings of a communication experiment carried out in India in the light of the communication effects gap hypothesis. Recent research in the U.S. mainly concentrated around ...
    • Organization building in cooperatives - a framework 

      Seetharaman, S. P.; Mohanan, N. (2010-03-14)
      This paper makes an attempt to give an overview of the approaches evolved in the past in building up cooperatives organizations in Indian and the recent attempt which has yielded some measure of success. Three approaches ...
    • Transfer of technology to developing nations: towards a broad conceptual framework 

      Sinha, Arun P.; Balakrishnan, K. (2010-03-14)
      This paper is presented in four parts. In the introductory part, the importance of 'technology gap' as one of the main explicators for the differences in the economic conditions of the DC's and LDC's is identified. In part ...
    • Agricultural development through community action: scope and limitations 

      Gaikwad, V. R. (2010-03-14)
      The purpose of this paper is to generate discussion on certain basic issues pertaining scope and limitations of community actions for agricultural development. For this purpose a sociological-historical-cultural approach ...