Now showing items 2021-2040 of 2627

    • Note on forecasting techniques 

      Gupta, G. S. (2010-03-13)
      Planning is gaining popularity at all levels of human organization: individual or personal, firm, industry and the government. Further, a successful planning at any level entails three things; (a) Passive forecasts, (b) ...
    • Why development programmes fail 

      Paul, Samuel (2010-03-13)
      This paper analyses the strategic and organisational reasons for the failure of development programmes. The analysis of a selected Indian public health programme, namely, Goitre Control has been attempted to bring out the ...
    • Necessary and sufficient condition for a matrix to be totally unimodular 

      Raghavachari, M. (2010-03-13)
      A characterization of totally unimodular matrix is gives is the paper. This provides an iterative method directly applicable on the matrix itself to recognize total unimodularity or otherwise of any given matrix.
    • Choice of estimated econometric models 

      Misra, P. N. (2010-03-13)
      One of the problems faced by researchers in the field of quantitative economics relates to choice of appropriate functional forms from amongst many that can be estimated on the basis of available data on a given set of ...
    • Labour in a textile city: a study of workers needs and welfare in ahmedabad 

      Verma, Pramod (2010-03-13)
      The basic hypothesis of this study is that welfare expenditure undertaken by various independent agencies does not meet the felt needs of the workers. A socio- economic survey was conducted identify these needs. The survey ...
    • Distribution and development effects of tariff subsidy policies in small open dual economy 

      DasGupta, A.; Gang, Ira, N. (2010-03-13)
      In this paper the effects of tariff cum subsidy policies in a small open dual economy with intersectoral migration are considered. The model used is an extended version of the mobile capital Harris-Todaro model of ...
    • Theory of financial intermediation - a portfolio approach 

      Gupta, Ramesh (2010-03-13)
      In this study an attempt is made to explain the behavior of financial intermediaries in terms of portfolio theory using a preference function approach. The model developed here is largely theoretical in nature, and deals ...
    • Indian business and the bulk export opportunities generated by international funding agencies 

      Srivastava, U. K. (2010-03-13)
      A segment of bulk export opportunities is generated by international funding agencies such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. The share of Indian business in these opportunities, however, has been rather ...
    • Monetary policy model for India 

      Gupta, G. S. (2010-03-13)
      Based on a sample of 20 annual observations (1948-49 through 1967-68), a policy-oriented econometric model for the Indian economy with an emphasis on the monetary sector has been formulated, estimated, and analyzed. Besides ...
    • Commercialization of renewable energy technologies: some policy framework 

      Moulik, T. K. (2010-03-13)
      Renewable energy technologies, like biomas conversion, biogas, wind mills and solar devices are being actively promoted by the governments. Many of these technologies have reached a stage for commercialization. This paper ...
    • Implementation problems of management control system 

      Bhattacharyya, S. K.; Camillus, J. C. (2010-03-13)
      The design of Management Control Systems has been essentially "standardized" for the past few years as a result of extensive research, writing, and practical experience. The specific objectives of this research project are ...
    • Poverty inequality and development in dual economics with urban informal sectors 

      DasGupta, A.; Gang, Ira, N. (2010-03-13)
      In this paper a general model of dualistic economies with urban informal sectors is proposed. The model is able to encompass a wide variety of distortions and institutional features which may affect such economies. Within ...
    • Psychology of work: individual in organisation 

      Rao, T. V. (2010-03-13)
      Work is an important aspect of life and behaviour. Most active part of peoples lives go in work and work-related activities. Hence it is but natural for psychologists to study this important dimension.
    • Aggregate and branch method for solving multi constraint linear programs with zero-one variables 

      Barua, Samir K. (2010-03-13)
      Many important class of economic problems find their mathematical models in linear programs with variables taking only one of the values, zero or one. The major difficulty with these models is that the time required to ...
    • Application of systems approach at the micro level in education: two cases 

      Pareek, Udai; Rao, T. V. (2010-03-13)
      The problems in the field of education are very complex. The process of education involves various human beings like students, teachers, parents, educationists, administrators and other members of the community. To effectively ...
    • Managing socio-political environment in India: a new task for top management 

      Chaudhuri, Shekhar (2010-03-13)
      A recent study of environmental scanning practices of larger Indian corporations (Dixit 1984) surprisingly finds a total absence of socio political factors in a list of twenty-five external factors considered to be most ...
    • Network planning model for power generation and transmission system: a suggested module for WASP programme 

      Mukherjee, Shishir K. (2010-03-13)
      This paper describes a network planning model formulation for power generation and transmission system planning in detail, illustrated by an application for the Northern regional power network in India. The network planning ...
    • Concept of Bonus 

      Menon, C. D. (2010-03-13)
      An ex-gratia payment by the textile industry of Bombay and Ahmedabad during the first world war years, with the industry booming, can be seen as the beginnings in India of the proliferation of the pay packet beyond earnings ...
    • The style of corporate management goals, strategy structure and performance 

      Khandwalla, Pradip N. (2010-03-13)
      Using cluster analysis of questionnaire data from the top managements of 103 Canadian companies, seven styles of corporate top management were identified. Each style was a particular configuration of the orientation to ...
    • Techniques of mobilizing rural people to support rural development programme 

      Moulik, T. K. (2010-03-13)
      The general socio-economic conditions prevailing in most of the developing countries in Asia and Africa have brought added urgency to the quest for more effective programmes and institutions to assist rural population, ...