Now showing items 2041-2060 of 2627

    • Inflation accounting: perspective and prospects 

      Gupta, Ramesh (2010-03-13)
      During the last two decades, there have been several proposals on how financial statements should be adjusted to show the effects of Inflation. The earlier suggestions were to adjust the financial statements using a general ...
    • Study of the image of Indian journals on management and social sciences in the international academic community 

      Dhawle, Anand S.; Ghose, Amitabha (2010-03-13)
      It is hypothesized that academic journals of noteworthy research content also have a high acceptance in the international academic community. Analysis of responses from the well known universities of the world reveals that ...
    • Corporate planning practices in private sector companies in India 

      Nambudiri, C. N. S. (2010-03-13)
      This paper summarises the results of a study of corporate planning practices in private sector companies in India Even though long term planning is not very widely practiced by companies in the private sector, those companies ...
    • Bio-gas plants: a challenge to rural entrepreneures 

      Desai, D. K. (2010-03-13)
      Much has been written on bio-gas plants as a solution to energy crisis and for overall benefits to the rural community. In the review of literature the strategy adopted by the government of India to encourage setting up ...
    • Measurement of attitudes 

      Arul, M. J.; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-13)
      People have likes and dislikes and have them in varying degrees. But why study and measure them? Attitudes are action tendencies and as such they can facilitate or hinder action at all levels: individual, group, community, ...
    • Organization of knowledge and information retrieval 

      Ghose, A.; Dhawle, Anand S. (2010-03-13)
      This paper examines the traditional organization of classification of knowledge based on mutually exclusive subjects or disciplines which have become obsolete. It attempts to give a new look and to develop a classification ...
    • Relevance: a poser for Indian Psychology at the crossroads 

      Pareek, Udai (2010-03-13)
      In 1976 the Indian psychological association has celebrated its silver jubilee while the oldest department of psychology was established in the country more than 60 years back. These are significant indicators of the ...
    • Production function and optimum input mix in fish farming in India 

      Gupta, G. S. (2010-03-13)
      The paper attempts to study the input-output relationship in fish farming in India through the estimation of production function and the derivation of the optimum input combination. The data used belong to a cross-section ...
    • Performance determinants of public enterprises 

      Khandwalla, Pradip N. (2010-03-13)
      The paper is a summary of a report submitted to the World Bank on the performance determinants of Indian Public enterprises. The study was based on intensive case studies of four engineering enterprises, all attached to ...
    • Surface irrigation cooperative: a case study 

      Seetharaman, S. P.; Jayaraman, T. K. (2010-03-13)
      In all irrigation projects, field level distribution of water is continuing to be a major problem. This task is handled departmentally. To ensure participation by the beneficiaries some innovations like 'Wara Bandhi' system ...
    • Processing of sugarbeet in India 

      Singh, Gurdev; Guleria, Amar (2010-03-13)
      This working paper makes a part of bigger project on "Economic and Management Aspects of Sugar Production from Sugar beet" sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi, to the Indian Institute ...
    • Validity study of tests for executive selection 

      Saiyadain, Mirza S. (2010-03-13)
      Several reasons have been offered for the depressed values of coefficients of correlation between performance evaluation scores and test scores for tests that otherwise seem to have high validity. This study was undertaken ...
    • Self medication practices: an exploratory study 

      Gupta, Subroto Sen; Misra, Sasi (2010-03-13)
      The objective of this study were to identify the diseases which are commonly self-treated, people's sources of information about drugs, the differential credibility attributed to these information sources, the degree of ...
    • Rural development - some issues and approaches 

      Vyas, V. S. (2010-03-13)
      The study of the rural development programmes in our country and abroad would suggest that these programmes have certain discernable attributes, some of these are reflected in their basic approach to economic development ...
    • Strategies of rural development and training of district level project executives 

      Gupta, Ranjit (2010-03-13)
      The report is based on a paper presented by the author to the Expert Group Meeting on Training of Rural Development Personnel in Asia held in August 1976 in Kuala Lumpur under the auspices of the Asian Centre for Development ...
    • Properties of competing organizations 

      Khandwalla, Pradip N. (2010-03-13)
      Competition is a pervasive feature of all societies in which the desired things of life are provided by alternative sources. The need to withstand competition must inevitably affect the structure and functioning of competing ...
    • Survey on exports and future export plans of large Indian companies: 1970-75 

      Kulkarni, G. R.; Wadhva, Charan D. (2010-03-13)
      The survey on exports and future export plan of large Indian companies during 1970-75 with the following objectives in mind: (1) to understand the extent of commitment on the part of large Indian manufacturing companies ...
    • Indian and Chinese growth experience as case studies in the application of the E'LDMAN - Mahalanobis model strategy under a wage goods constraint 

      Kumar, Saurabh (2010-03-13)
      Feldman-Mahalanobis model has played a very important role in shaping the industrialisation strategies of China and India and of course, earlier the Soviet Union. an unstated, but crucial assumptin in this model is that ...
    • Optimal targets for Indian familiy planning program 

      Satia, J. K.; Rangarajan, C. (2010-03-13)
      Benefits and costs associated with family planning programs of underdeveloped countries in general, and of India in particular, have been a subject of intensive investigations. These studies have been primarily used as a ...
    • Some implications of structural changes within the sample 

      Misra, P. N. (2010-03-13)
      An implicit assumption underlying least squares estimation procedure is that the unknown coefficient remain invariant over sample observations. In actual practice, however, one tends to use larger and larger numbers of ...