Now showing items 2141-2160 of 2627

    • Emotional intelligence at the workplace: a preliminary study of male executives in the public & private Sector organisations 

      Dholakia, Jigisha; Kaushal, Geetika (2010-01-18)
      This is a preliminary attempt to study the Emotional Intelligence of the male executives working in the Public sector and the Private sector organisations in India. The purpose of this study is to explore whether the level ...
    • Slow pace of modernization in fresh produce postharvest systems in Ahmedabad region 

      Sharan, Girja; Rawale, Kishor (2010-01-18)
      In this paper we present a profile of the post harvest system prevailing in Ahmedabad region. Normally the path followed by fresh produce is: farm-APMC market-sub-wholesalers-retailers-consumers. Observations relate to ...
    • Inter-firm linkages in the IT industry in India: a case study of Telecom technologies 

      Basant, Rakesh; Chandra, Pankaj (2010-01-18)
      In this paper we focus on the telecom segment of the IT sector with an objective to understand the nature and extent of inter-firm linkages in the industry, the role these linkages play in developing technological capabilities ...
    • "On diversity and freedom of choice" a technical comment 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-01-18)
      In this paper we show that the similarity based preference for freedom of choice defined by Pattanaik and Xu (2000), can be uniquely characterized by Indifference Between No-Choice Situation, Strong Monotonicity with respect ...
    • Values in managing gender diversity 

      Parikh, Indira J. (2010-01-18)
      The paper explores the journey of Indian organizations in terms of gender diversity through five phases of women s entry into organizations, their career paths and growth. The paper then identifies the policies organizations ...
    • Creative restructuring 

      Khandwalla, Pradip N. (2010-01-18)
      In the context of liberalization of globalization of economy, the changes required in the functioning of corporates need to be vast. Corporate restructuring has become an important means for achieving such changes in India ...
    • Building upon grassroots innovations: articulating social and ethical capital 

      Gupta, Anil K.; Sinha, Riya; Prakash, T. N.; Koradia, Dileep; Vivekanandan, P. (2010-01-18)
      The healthy growth of democracy depends upon the emergence of decentralized, dispersed, polycentric spurs of social, ecological and economic entrepreneurship. Networking among these seemingly disparate cross currents some ...
    • Indirect utility extension: axiomatic characterizations 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-01-18)
      In this paper, we first provide several axiomatic characterizations of the indirect utility extension. The general problem we are interested in this paper is of the following variety: We are given a finite universal set ...
    • Retail sales data: the hidden treasure 

      Raghuram, G. (2010-01-18)
      Increasingly, retail outlets; be it in the large organized sector or unorganized sector, have started computerizing their point of sale (POS) transactions. This opens up opportunities for using the information towards ...
    • Axiomatic characterisation of weighted boolean vote aggregators 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-01-18)
      A Federation Boolean Vote Aggregator allows a finite set of coalitions to unilaterally elect any candidate from a set containing exactly two candidates. There are several special types of Federation Boolean Vote Aggregators, ...
    • Expenditure allocation and welfare returns to government effforts - a suggested model and its application 

      Dholakia, Archana; Dholakia, Ravindra H. (2010-01-18)
      The paper addresses the question of government expenditure allocation among sectors by extending the model developed by Archana Dholakia (1993) and illustrates its application by using the data on major Indian states from ...
    • Investment pattern and decision making: the role of working women 

      Balsara, Anita H.; Pestonjee, D. M. (2010-01-18)
      An attempt is made to study how far working women enjoy freedom to take investment related decisions on their own and the pattern of investments in the male dominated investment world in India. The questions related to ...
    • Weighted fair division problem 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-01-18)
      The exact problem we are concerned with in this paper is of the following nature. There are a finite number of producers each equipped with a utility function of the standard variety, which converts and input into a producer ...
    • Vector optimization with multiple constraints 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-01-18)
      In this paper we show that a vector optimization problem with convex constraint functions which satisfy a constraint qualification can be reduced to a vector optimization problem with a single constraint, if the objective ...
    • Top cycle and uncovered solutions for abstract games: axiomatic characterizations 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-01-18)
      In this paper we consider binary relations which are reflexive and complete. Such binary relations are referred to in the literature as abstract games. Given an abstract game a (game)solution is a function which associates ...
    • Study of learned helplessness & perceived role efficacy among executives in pharmaceutical industry 

      Uz-Zafar, Sayeed; Oza, Shweta; Pestonjee, D. M. (2010-01-18)
      Learned Helplessness is a cognitive state of being which believes that whatever it does is not going to alter the outcome of an event. In the other words, it comes to believe in response-outcome-non-contingency. Role ...
    • Axiomatic characterisation of weighted voting operator 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-01-18)
      A federation voting operator allows a finite set of coalitions to unilaterally elect any outcome. There are several special types of federation voting operators, all of which share a property: the candidates are assigned ...
    • Threshold of median rank solutions 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-01-18)
      In this paper we consider solutions defined on the class of transitive tournaments. Such solutions are essentially rank solutions i.e. solutions which depend on the ranks of the alternatives and not on any other physical ...
    • Local social decision functions: a survey 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-01-18)
      In Aleskerov (1999) can be found a property that social decision functions are required to satisfy. This property is called locality. In Arrowzs original work it was called independence of irrelevant alternatives. Social ...
    • eTime 

      Singh, J. P. (2010-01-18)
      The paper examines various measures of time and argues that none of the measures meet the needs of commerce and law for transactions carried out in the cyberspace. It therefore suggests that a new measure of the time and ...