Now showing items 841-860 of 2627

    • Forest based industry and forest land management in India 

      Gupta, Tirath (2010-07-27)
      The paper highlights that land degradation in India has been approaching a crisis level in spite of repeated emphasis on wasteland development and existence of apex level organisations for that purpose. One reason has been ...
    • Exit policy: implications and issues for discussion 

      Mehta, S. S.; Srivastava, U. K. (2010-07-27)
      The country has recently liberalised the equity participation to 51% by foreign companies and even 100% by NRIs. In addition, the package contains many other measures to liberalise the investment climate. It is expected ...
    • Changing patterns of women's identity 

      Parikh, Indira J.; Shah, Nayana (2010-07-27)
      This paper examines the identify and role taking of Indian women over a period of time. The transition from the agrarian to the industrial/ technological era has had a significant impact on the identify patterns of women ...
    • Indian economic forecast: post budget analysis April 1994 

      Rastogi, A. B. (2010-07-27)
      The collective impact of a battery of reforms coming hard on the heels of one another, is still being felt in boardrooms and chaupals. The credibility of the reform dictates that consistent liberalisation policies should ...
    • Research reports - Publishing at what cost and quality? 

      Rao, Srinivas S.; Srivastava, U. K. (2010-07-27)
      By using a better reproduction technology than duplication and by having a judicious mix of alternatives, an educational/research institution can produce better research reports than it does now and that too at a lesser ...
    • Threat bargaining problems with correlated beliefs 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-07-27)
      In this paper we provide a general framework for studying threat bargaining games with correlated beliefs. In this framework we obtain a characterization of the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution without any monotonicity assumption. ...
    • Corporate networking for strategic advantage 

      Dixit, Mukund R.; Ramachandran, K. (2010-07-27)
      This paper attempts to conceptualise some of the thoughts that are emerging in the area of corporate networking. While some research has been done in this area in the advanced western countries, nothing so far has happened ...
    • Financing marketing of agricultural inputs 

      Singh, Gurdev; Mann, Gurtej Singh (2010-07-27)
      This paper conceptualizes the need for stocking agricultural inputs to match supply with their demand. The stocks in turn have to be financed. Because of seasonality in demand the general credit limit extended by the banks ...
    • Econometric simulation of the Indian silk industry 

      Naik, Gopal; Singh, Santosh Kumar (2010-07-27)
      This study aims at understanding and quantifying the relationship between the important variables of the sub-sectors of the Indian silk industry through an econometric simulation model, and using the model for forecasting ...
    • Strategic developmental organizations: some behavioural properties 

      Khandwalla, Pradip N. (2010-07-27)
      OB research in the Third World has not been sufficiently socially responsive. It can make amends by fing on the organizational behaviour of strategic developmental organizations. The latter are organizations that have or ...
    • Primal and Lagrangian heuristics for minimum weight rooted arborescence problem 

      Rao, V. Venkata; Sridharan, R. (2010-07-27)
      Consider a rooted acyclic graph G with weights on arcs. In this graph, a minimum weight rooted arborescence (MRC) can be defined as one whose sum of arc weights is less than or equal to that of any other rooted arborescence ...
    • Restrictive trade practices in India, 1969 -91: experience of control and agenda for further work 

      Sandesara, J. C. (2010-07-27)
      This paper purports to apprise principally the experience of control of Restrictive Trade Practices (RTP) in India by the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP) Commission under the MRTP Act, 1969. This experience ...
    • System dynamic study of apple movement from orchards to wholesale market 

      Sharan, Girja; Kayastha, Sandeep (2010-07-27)
      Two northern states, Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) and Himachal Pradesh (HP) account for most of the apple grown in India. Fruit is graded and packed near orchards and sent to Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC), Delhi ...
    • Coal for sugar production: economic and policy issues 

      Gupta, Tirath; Ahuja, Vinod (2010-07-27)
      Use of bagasse for paper and newsprint making has long since been emphasized in India. Since a major portion of bagasse has been used as fuel by the sugar industry, coal has been suggested as an alternative source of energy. ...
    • Advertising claims, expectation fulfilment and product evaluation 

      Bhandari, Labdhi R. (2010-07-27)
      Consumerism movements like 'Truth in Advertising' have prompted formulation of legal and other public policy measures to regulate deceptive advertising. While a great deal of effort has gone into evolving mechanisms to ...
    • Survey of strenghs and weaknesses of senior executives as perceived by them and their juniors 

      Rao, T. V.; Selvan, Tamil S. (2010-07-27)
      Survey of strengths and weakness of senior executives was undertaken in the context of increased use of self-awareness and personal growth programmers in the country and the use of open appraisal systems to enhance development ...
    • Rationing and the private provision of a public good 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-07-27)
      In this paper we study a solution concept for resource allocation in an economy with public goods and a fixed set of cost-shares for each agent. This solution is originally due to Champsaur (1979). We study the existence ...
    • Modelling a vegetable and fruit market to aid modernisation 

      Sharan, Girja; Madhavan, T. (2010-07-27)
      We present in this paper, an operational study of CJ Patel Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market of Ahmedabad city using simulation. This market was built in the year 1996 in order to reduce congestion in another older ...
    • Analysis of chipko: a sociopolitical economic culture and ecological view 

      Tewari, D. D.; Ravindran, V. (2010-07-27)
      This paper provides a new interpretation of the emergence of Chipko movement in Garahwal Himalayas. The new interpretation is in terms of changing cultural and material endowments of the region. Which finally produced a ...
    • Elements of a world class management school 

      Chandra, Pankaj (2010-07-27)
      This paper delineates the best practices that are commonly followed by world class management schools in their governance and pursuit of scholarly activities. It tries to highlight the processes required to become a world ...