Now showing items 861-880 of 2627

    • Elementary Proof in Rational Choice Theory Revisited 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-07-27)
      In this paper we prove a result which, apart from having independent interest, has found applications in recent mathematical economic literature of rational choice theory. The result states that if a two-dimensional demand ...
    • Some aspects of value added tax in Indian economy 

      Dholakia, Bakul H. (2010-07-27)
      Comprehensive tax reform has always been an integral part of the overall package of economic policy reforms introduced in a large number of developing and newly industrialising economies in recent years. A crucial ingredient ...
    • India's economic crisis: nature and remedies 

      Dholakia, Bakul H. (2010-07-27)
      Indian economy has been facing a major economic crisis and the situation has become quite serious after August 1990. The main elements of Indiazs economic crisis are deepening foreign exchange crisis, growing fiscal ...
    • Problems and prospects of leasing industry in India 

      Brahmaiah, B. (2010-07-27)
      This paper focuses mainly on the growth, problems and prospects of leasing industry in India. It starts with the definition and classification of leasing. The major problem areas identified include resource crunch, income ...
    • Generalized shapely value for games with a coalition structure 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-07-27)
      In cooperative games with transferable utility, there is usually no restriction on the possible coalitions that can materialize. A significant departure from this tradition, occurs in Moulin [1995], where the concept of ...
    • Capacitated plant location problem some worst case analysis 

      Sridharan, R. (2010-07-27)
      In this note we show that the worst case solutions of the weak linear programming relaxation, the DRDP heuristic and the ADD heauristic for the Capacitated Plant Problem are not good.
    • Indian oil meals/cakes scenario: 1961-90 

      Rao, V. M. (2010-07-27)
      Oilseeds which hold a key position in the Indian economy and contribute 4% of the India's GDP, and 10% of value of all agricultural commodities during the period of 1981- 85. India is one of the largest oilseed producing ...
    • Macro economic theory and policy: a perspective 

      Gupta, G. S. (2010-07-27)
      The paper provides a brief account of the scope and developments in macro economic theory and policy. In particular, it highlights the significant determinants of economic well-being and of the effectiveness of economic ...
    • Adjustment to risk in farming an assessment of drought-prone farmers strategies in Karnataka India 

      Gajanana, T. M.; Sharma, B. M. (2010-07-27)
      Weather-induced instability in farming in the predominant rainfed lands is fairly well recongised. Faced with the problems of frequent droughts and the resultant risk in farming, farmers strategies to cope with the situations ...
    • Action tendency measure of job satisfaction: a cross cultural validation 

      Chhokar, Jagdeep S. (2010-07-27)
      Job satisfaction has been of interest to organizational researchers for a long time. However, success in measuring it has been limited. There have been suggestions that its assessment through "action tendencies' may be ...
    • Marketing research and the regional languages problem 

      Mehta, Subhash C.; Parikh, Jayshree S. (2010-07-27)
      Marketing research studies in India, particularly those based on consumer surveys, which extend data collection beyond a particular linguistic region, confront a serious problem of language comparability in the questionnaires ...
    • Behaviour of integers: some peculiar properties 

      Raghunathan, V. (2010-07-27)
      The intention of this paper is to highlight certain latent and interesting characteristics of natural numbers and their higher powers vis-a-vis the ultimate sum (single digit sum) of the digits in such integers and their ...
    • Exploratory study of viewers perceptions of television advertising 

      Gupta, Anil K. (2010-07-27)
      Study of Consumers' attitude towards advertising helps the advertisers in planning their advertising campaigns. By comparative evaluation of advertisements across different elements viz. Creative strategies, appeals and ...
    • Analysing technology strategies: some issues 

      Basant, Rakesh (2010-07-27)
      A firm s technology strategy is influenced by the technology regime in which it operates. The regime is broadly defined by a combination of variables capturing industrial structure, nature of technical knowledge and ...
    • Portfolio management: the process and its dynamics 

      Gupta, Ramesh (2010-07-27)
      Like many areas of business, portfolio management is both an art and a science. It is much more than the selection of securities from a catalog by a financial consultant or the application of a formula to a set of financial ...
    • Indian contribution to O.R. literature 

      Gupta, Omprakash K. (2010-07-27)
      O.R. researchers in India have been making contributions to O.R. literature from its early days of development. They have published hundreds of original research papers in well-known journals. This review focuses on the ...
    • Dew yield from passive condensers in a coastal arid area - Kutch 

      Sharan, Girja (2010-07-27)
      Dewfall occurs over a season of nine months in coastal arid district of Kutch. Quantity too is appreciable. A research program has been started to develop efficient passive condensers to harvest dew and use it as a ...
    • Some thoughts on our trade unions 

      Sheth, N. R. (2010-07-27)
      Punekar represented the first generation of post independence social scientists who began to examine the social implications of urban and industrial growth in our country. Also at the same time some western scholars ...
    • Impact of computerisation in Indian railways 

      Ramani, K. V. (2010-07-27)
      Indian Railway was one of the first few government departments to introduce computers in the country. Computerisation on Indian Railways started in the late 60s with the induction of IBM 1401s in the nine zonal railways, ...
    • Share equivalent and equitarian allocations for problems of fair division 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-07-27)
      In this paper we begin with a given social endowment. A profile of shares (which could very well all be equal), is part of the environment. This is the planner s contribution to the economic environment, as conceived in ...