Now showing items 961-980 of 2627

    • Sickness in textile industry: causes and remedies 

      Prafull, Anubhai (2010-07-20)
      Textiles is the oldest industry in the country and employs directly and indirectly a large number of people, is linked to a major agricultural crop, earns nearly 25% of export earning and caters to one of the basic needs ...
    • Accident rates and safety practices in road transport corporations 

      Chhokar, Jagdeep S.; Gopalakrishnan, C. (2010-07-20)
      This paper attempts to understand and explain the variation in accident rates among various Road Transport Corporations in India. It is based on data concerning accident rates and safety practices, collected from five Road ...
    • Bagasse based paper and newprint in India: economic and policy issues 

      Gupta, Tirath; Ahuja, Vinod (2010-07-20)
      Bagasse usage as a cellulosic material for paper and newsprint making has been induced by the Government of India. The paper summarizes the relevant policies. Seven caselets pertaining to bagasse based paper and newsprint ...
    • State of art and research priorities in leather industry in India 

      Moulik, T. K.; Mathur, D. P. (2010-07-20)
      India had a very strong base for the potential supply of raw material for its leather industry. This was reflected in the absolute numbers in the livestock population statistics of India. However, in the planning exercises ...
    • Study of urban informal sector with special reference to pan shops 

      Ramachandran, K. (2010-07-20)
      Industrialization and the consequent urbanization of less developed countries has led to the growth of ral small business activities which could be clubbed under the umbrella of Urban Informal Sector. The role and contribution ...
    • Bibliographical study of management research studies on Gujarat economy 

      Srinivasan, S. (2010-07-20)
      This paper is basically intended to bring out a summary of research findings on Gujarat Economy Carried out by the researchers of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. The research papers included under the present ...
    • Telecommunications: some social issues 

      Jain, Mukesh; Sridharan, R. (2010-07-20)
      In this paper we look at the technological developments in telecommunications over the years and their implications to the society in which we live. We realise that in this "Information Age" the World is only as far as the ...
    • JIT implementation: outlines of a strategy 

      Thomas, P. S.; Ramachandran, K. (2010-07-20)
      The logic of JIT represents the core of a new management paradigm that has been used to devastating effect by Japanese companies during the 1970s and 1980s. in this paper, intended primarily for practitioners and tea hers, ...
    • Perspectives on management training of women managers in Africa 

      Parikh, Indira J. (2010-07-20)
      This paper is based on a series of workshops and seminars held in Africa on issues of management training for women managers and trainers. Like many third world countries many nations of Africa have focused on economic ...
    • Household survival through commons: performance in an uncertain world 

      Gupta, Anil K. (2010-07-15)
      The search for ethically responsible and scientifically precise alternatives for socially disadvantaged groups in high risk environments requires a multi disciplinary, multi market/multi institutional approach. Various ...
    • Impacts of energy crisis on Indian agriculture sector 

      Tewari, D. D.; Rao, V. M. (2010-07-15)
      This paper discusses the impact of rising crude oil prices on the Indian agricultural sector in general and on the food grain sub-sector in particular, using a mix equation econometric model.
    • Impact of inflation accounting on corporate profits 

      Gupta, Ramesh; Bhandari, L. C. (2010-07-15)
      The accounting profession all over the world is currently considering whether accountants should be required to adjust reported income for inflation. The limited objective of this article is to measure the impact of ...
    • Process of developing venture capital activity: a study of three Indian VCFs 

      Pandey, I. M.; Dutta, Shantanu (2010-07-15)
      This study investigates the venture capital activity development process in India. The discussion covers the issues of the initiation of venture capital fund, investment strategy and evaluation criteria and the value ...
    • Conserving diversity for sustainable development: the case of plants of insecticidal and veterinary medicine importance 

      Gupta, Anil K.; Patel, Kirit; Patil, B.L. (2010-07-14)
      The paper provides list of several hundred plants which have been used for veterinary medicine or plant protection purposes by the local people in India and elsewhere. Our continuing work on documentation of local technical ...
    • Solving medium to large sized euclidean generalized minimum spanning tree problems 

      Ghosh, Diptesh (2010-07-14)
      The generalized minimum spanning tree problem is a generalization of the minimum spanning tree problem. This network design problems finds several practical applications, especially when one considers the design of a ...
    • Focal faculties of the firm: using knowledge power for global leadership 

      Thomas, P. S.; Madhavan, T. (2010-07-14)
      There is indubitably more to the sources of sustained competitive advantage of corporations than meets the eye. Among the most promising of these are the focal faculties of the firm, the areas of expertise ingrained in ...
    • Inter-industry tables for Gujarat: methodology and estimates 

      Dholakia, Bakul H.; Dholakia, Ravindra H. (2010-07-14)
      Regional Input-Output tables compatible with the national input-output table can play a crucial role in formulating realistic regional plans and also in ensuring that the spatial dimension is properly incorporated into the ...
    • Resource monotonicity of bargaining solutions 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-07-13)
      In this paper we establish that main solutions to bargaining problems display a resource monoticity property in bilateral monopoly situations when preferences exhibit consumption externalities. Suitable assumptions are ...
    • Why does poverty persist in regions of high biodiversity: a case for indigenous property right system 

      Gupta, Anil K. (2010-04-21)
      The extent of rural poverty has been noted to be unusually high in the Vavilov centres of genetic diversity. Be it rice in Orissa, India or potato in Peru, the cultivator preserving genes for diversity are unable to benefit ...
    • Indian convertible bonds with unspecified terms: an empirical study 

      Barua, Samir K.; Madhavan, T.; Varma, Jayanth R. (2010-04-17)
      Indian convertible bonds have two peculiar features that make them possibly unique in the world: a) the bonds are compulsorily converted into equity without any option, and b) the conversion terms are not specified at the ...