Now showing items 981-1000 of 2627

    • Energy consumption in India: recent trends and the problem of demand forecasting 

      Mukherjee, Shishir K.; Jagannathan, Radha (2010-04-17)
      This study looked into the consumption trends for both conventional energy sources such as coal, oil and electricity and non-conventional sources including firewood, animal and vegetable wastes, and projected future ...
    • Estimates of fixed capital stock in registered manufacturing sector in India 

      Aggarwal, Ashok K. (2010-04-17)
      The main objective of the paper is to provide estimates of fixed capital stock in large organized manufacturing industries in India. Various theoretical as well as empirical issues which have a bearing on the measurement ...
    • Monitoring cost transaction interlinkage and the selection of optimal loan contracts: evidence from rural India 

      Erickson, Christopher A.; Ghosh, Soumendra Nath; Datta, Samar K. (2010-04-17)
      Costly monitoring is an important market imperfection in developed as well as developing economies. In developed countries monitoring costs are usually minimized through intermediation. The intermediation process is hampered, ...
    • A test for strategic planning related to management 

      Das, J. P.; Misra, Sasi; Mishra, Rama K. (2010-04-17)
      The evidence in favour of predicting managerial success from intelligence tests is mixed. It is difficult to support the predicability of intelligence tests for occupational success (Thornton & Byham, 1982). After reviewing ...
    • Existence of efficient and egalitarian efficient tax allocations 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-04-17)
      In this paper, we study an optimal tax allocation problem where the utility of each agent depends on his own income as well as on the income of the other tax payers. The objective of the government is seen as maximizing ...
    • Factors influencing attitude toward computers: a study of bank employees in India 

      Bhatnagar, Deepti (2010-04-17)
      The paper examined exposure, gender, use and organizational level as correlates of Attitudes Toward Computers (ATC) among bank employees in India. The ATC scale and a demographic profile were administered to a sample of ...
    • Role of welfare officers in family planning and welfare 

      Verma, Pramod; Rao, T. V. (2010-04-17)
      This study aims at sharing the experience of conducting a phased action research in family planning and welfare. The rationale for action research lies in the increasing gap between efforts to create positive attitude ...
    • Searching for an Indian niche in the Indian petrochemical industry 

      Singh, J. P. (2010-04-17)
      The paper examines the status of Indian Petrochemical Industry in the context of world situation. Based on data analysis and interviews, the paper identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the ...
    • Management education in India 

      Khandwalla, Pradip N. (2010-04-17)
      The paper briefly sketches the history and special features of Indian management education. It offers an analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities. It concludes that while the prospects are uncommonly ...
    • Baroda's experiment in urban decentralization: a study of some administrative aspects 

      Bhatt, Anil (2010-04-17)
      This is an exploratory study of some of the administrative problems of urban decentralization in the city of Baroda. It is an empirical study based on open and unstructured but indepth interviews with corporation officials, ...
    • Review of Thai telecom sector 

      Jain, Rekha (2010-04-17)
      The Thai economy has been registering high economic growth rates since late eighties. The average growth rate has been around 10 percent per annum. Consequently, the business opportunities have increased, creating a demand ...
    • Organisational alternatives for industrial promotion corporations: some considerations 

      Ganesh, S. R. (2010-04-17)
      The objective of this paper is to describe and discuss various patterns of organizations and their implications for functioning of industrial promotion corporations at state levels. This is based on the work done by the ...
    • Religious movement in the contemporary united states 

      Giri, Ananta (2010-04-17)
      The present paper describes the vision and practice of different religious movements in the contemporary United States such as Moral Majority and Habitat for Humanity. This description is presented with a view that ...
    • Cult of vishnu and Indian's economic development 

      Khandwalla, Pradip N. (2010-04-17)
      The nature of the work ethic of a society may significantly shape the character of its economic development. It is argued that the cult of Vishnu and its associated work ethic have played a notable role in the economic ...
    • Indian economic forecast december 1993 

      Rastogi, A. B. (2010-04-17)
      The government has begun preparing the people for the second phase of reforms by frequently pointing out that the next phase of reforms would be harsher but enrich their lives later. The tougher decisions about liberalisation ...
    • Population and Development: integrating linkages 

      Giridhar, G. (2010-04-17)
      Concern on Population-Development issues has been a long standing one in the demographic literature. Major emphasis of research and thinking in this area has been on the impact of population growth on certain developmental ...
    • Critique of the history of higher education in India 

      Srivastava, Mukesh (2010-04-17)
      The main argument of this paper rests upon the assumption that while the post-colonial education policy has emphasised the need for a truly national goal of education, arguing for a departure from the British racist system ...
    • Philippines telecommunications sector: an assessment of policy changes 

      Jain, Rekha (2010-04-17)
      The Philippines government has undertaken a major reform programme since the early nineties to accelerate the growth in the economy. It is also attempting to upgrade the telecom services and infrastructure. The government ...
    • Determinants of family planning acceptance and of worker and organisational performance in rural Uttar Pradesh 

      Simmons, Ruth; Simmons, George B.; Misra, B.D.; Ashraf, Ali (2010-04-17)
      The poor performance of family planning in rural Uttar Pradesh would be incomprehensible without some understanding of the rural population, their past knowledge and practice of contraception and their previous contact ...
    • Quasi utilitarian choice function for multi attribute choice problems 

      Lahiri, Somdeb (2010-04-17)
      This paper was written when I was visiting the Centre for Research in Economics and Statistics (CREST), ENSAE (France) during November and December 1993 on a French government fellowship. I would like to thank my hosts for ...