Browsing Working Papers by Title
Now showing items 213-232 of 2627
Calculus approach to the existence of market equilibria in a distribution economy
(2010-03-26)In this paper we prove the existence of market equilibria in distribution economies, without using any fixed-point theorems. Our method makes essential use of theorems in advanced calculus to establish the desired result. -
Can Businesses in India ever resolve Disputes Speedily and Effectively?
(2009-08-08)Business disputes are like cancer which should be stopped from spreading as soon as possible. Litigation is the least favoured method of resolution for a variety of reasons – delay being the foremost. Alternative Dispute ... -
Can globalisation be an unqualified key to success? the case of Indian Rice
(2010-03-31)For a variety of reasons, reaping higher international prices of rice in responsw to the demonstrated comparative advantages of India is not as easy a task as the recent calculations of global competitiveness coefficients ... -
Can PHC system in India deliver emergency obstetric Care? a management perspective on safe motherhood programme
(2010-03-28)India has an extensive network of hospitals and health centers with a large field staff in the government sector which has been providing primary health care. Of late this infrastructure has been effective in delivering ... -
Can targeting work in food security programmes? a study of consumer behaviour and the fair price shop system for food in India
(2009-12-14)In most major subsidised food distribution programmes, targeting of benefits to the principal beneficiaries is significant problem. For India s public distribution system for foodgrains which works through an immense network ... -
Capacitated multiple allocation hub location with service level constraints for multiple consignment classes
(IIM Ahmedabad, 2013-11)Hub-and-spoke systems have wide applications ranging in airline transportation, freight transportation, urban traffic, postal delivery, telecommunications and distribution in supply chains. These systems are usually ... -
Capacitated plant location problem some worst case analysis
(2010-07-27)In this note we show that the worst case solutions of the weak linear programming relaxation, the DRDP heuristic and the ADD heauristic for the Capacitated Plant Problem are not good. -
Capacity management of intensive care units in a multi- specialty hospital in India
(2010-07-22)The paper describes the capacity management of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in a 300- bed multi- specialty hospital where the alternative ICU is utilized when the appropriate ICU is full for a set of two types of ICUs. ... -
Capacity management of intensive care units in a multi- specialty hospital in India
(2010-07-26)The paper describes the capacity management of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in a 300- bed multi- specialty hospital where the alternative ICU is utilized when the appropriate ICU is full for a set of two types of ICUs. ... -
Capital expenditure planning and control: a survey of Indian Practice
(2010-03-14)The purpose of the study was to find out the policy and practice of Indian companies regarding various phase of the capital expenditure planning and control, and to ascertain corporate executives' opinion on the linkage ... -
Capital expenditures in corporate sector: a forecast for 1974
(2010-03-14)An attempt is made in this paper to forecast investment in the private corporate sector for the year 1974 by using the data available with the three leading term lending institutions. The data cost relevant in this context ... -
Capital structure and the firm characteristics: evidence from an emerging market
(2010-01-16)We examine the determinants of capital structure of Malaysian companies utilizing data from 1984 to 1999. We classify data into four sub-periods that correspond to different stages of Malaysian capital market. Debt is ... -
Capital structure decision-making process in DFIS: a case study
(2010-07-27)The focus of the paper was on understanding the process of capital structure management of development finance institutions (DFIs) using the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India as a case study. The results ... -
Capital structure policies of companies in an emerging economy: a study of THAI companies
(2010-04-03)This paper addresses to the question: How do firms in emerging economy choose their capital structure? Thai firms capital structures were empirically investigated to find their patterns over the period of the country s ... -
Career drivers of new-age employees: implications for organisational reward and employee development systems
(2010-07-26)The paper conceptualises the linkages among individual career drivers, psychological contracts, and organisational reward and employee development systems. The model also incorporates employee reward preferences and ... -
Career effectiveness and its determinants
(2010-04-05)Study of careers has become an important aspect in the fast changing organizational context. It has come to be increasingly recognized at present, that career management is the responsibility of both the individual as ... -
Career paths of women in management in India
(2010-03-15)This paper examines the entry of women in management and their career paths in the organization. Three phases can be distinctly identified. The first phase appears in the fifties. In this phase women, men and organization ... -
Case for disallowing interest deductibility and reducing corporate tax rate
(2010-03-12)Tax deductibility of interest cost seems to be the major reason for the existing very high level of corporate borrowings in India. It is therefore suggested in this paper that interest cost may be disallowed as a deductible ... -
The Case of OD in an NGO in India
(2009-08-22)This organizational development exercise was carried out in a prominent NGO that works in the area of rights and advocacy in the state of Jharkand in India. The OD exercise was part of the Applied Behavioral Science course ... -
Cases development: process and problems
(2010-03-13)In this paper it deals with the questions relating to the statement of case problem, disguise of the identify of the organization, confidential nature of information and 'Quid-Proquo' for case writing facility. It also ...