Browsing Working Papers by Title
Now showing items 1300-1319 of 2627
Labour in a textile city: a study of workers needs and welfare in ahmedabad
(2010-03-13)The basic hypothesis of this study is that welfare expenditure undertaken by various independent agencies does not meet the felt needs of the workers. A socio- economic survey was conducted identify these needs. The survey ... -
Labour market deepening in the Indian information technology industry: an exploratory analysis
(2009-12-12)The analysis suggests that deepening is actually taking place but the pace but pace can probably be enhanced. Transition to the off-shore model, growth of the ITES sector, competition and infrastructure led movement of IT ... -
Labour reforms: a delicate act of balancing the interests
(2010-04-03)In this study we examine the issue of the need of labour reforms in the globalised economy. The two legislations discussed in detail are: Chapter VB of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947- provisions relating to layoff, retrenchment ... -
Lagged variable models and their estimation
(2010-03-28)The paper discusses the reasons for hypothesizing various kinds of lagged variable models, their characteristics and the appropriate methods for estimating them. In particular, the distributed lag model, the partial ... -
A Lagrangian heuristic for the capacitated plant location problem with side constraints
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-09-01)In this paper we present a Lagrangian relaxation approach for solving the capacitated plant location problem with side constraints. The side constraints are upper bound constraints on disjoint subsets of the (0-1) variables. ... -
Land and forest resource management for economic betterment of weaker sections in rural India
(2010-03-21)The importance of providing the poor man with an opportunity to perceive and participate in the process of economic development has long since been realised. An examination of some past and current policies in India, ... -
Land reforms legislation's: problems and prospects (a micro study)
(2010-03-13)Though a variety of land reforms legislations have been created in the past independence days with the objectives of abolition of intermediaries, security of tenants and equitable distribution of land, the implementation ... -
Language translations in advertising and marketing research: need for recognizing measurement differences
(2010-03-14)This paper reports the findings of an empirical study, designed to test the following four hypotheses: H1 : When consumers rate the same advertisement on two language versions of the same work (adjective), the mean ratings ... -
Large lift plants - Performance
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-12-01)Large lift irrigation plants (LIPs) are a development in parts of Gujarat (India). These are commonly sited on old tanks, some on intermittent streams and canals. Water is lifted to a high point of command through a riser ... -
Law, liberalisation and globalisation in India: just a game of chance?
(2010-03-31)This paper is a part of a larger research on the working of business law in India in the changing context of globalisation and liberalisation. The macro theme requires details of the changes in law, economy and business ... -
Leaders in action: some illustrations and inferences
(2010-03-26)Cases of six outstanding organizational helmsmen who had successfully built up and nurtured enduring organizations form the leit-motif of this essay. These organizations are: the Oberoi chain of hotels built up to dizzying ... -
Leadership and creativity in the Indian R&D laboratories: examining the role of autonomous motivation, psychological capital and justice perceptions
(2013-11-26)The present study investigates the association between R&D-specific leadership approach developed in the Indian context using a combination of qualitative and quantitative data analyses, employee autonomous motivation, ... -
Leadership and human resource management styles of senior and top level managers
(2010-03-15)This paper reports in detail a Leadership Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) developed to measure the Benevolent, Critical and Developmental styles of manages. This questionnaire has two forms; one for self-assessment and the ... -
Leadership and management in formal work organizations and educational institutions
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-11-01)This paper examines 1) the definition and concept of leadership as reflected in educational institutions and formal organizations 2) patterns and models of leadership in the western indian context, 3) the resultant ... -
Leadership and management of public sector undertakings in an emerging economy
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2018-01-31)Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) contribute significantly to the growth and economic development of any country. This study explores the key managerial challenges faced by the leaders and managers of public sector ... -
Leadership in Family Owned Organizations
(2012-10-11)The main focus of the study is on the role of entrepreneurs, progenitors, patriarchs and leaders in the family owned organizations. The family ownership and membership, being the family history relational dynamics, familial ... -
Leadership styles and influence tactics
(2010-01-16)Two hundred nine MBA (Masters in Business Administration) students of a management institute rated their leadership styles and influence tactics as a part of their classroom exercise. The findings indicated that they ... -
Learning about the task: first steps in relating the organisation and environment in community service organisations
(2010-03-14)The management of community service organizations (CSO) needs to be concerned with managing the operating system and relating the system to its environment. Many factors in the CSO's internal environment might inhibit it ... -
Learning by blundering around some experiences in international management
(2010-03-28)Based upon the experiences of American Companies operating abroad the paper focuses on the issue of learning in management. It shows that costly mistakes can be avoided by looking at the blunders committed by others. It ... -
Learning by doing: Technology transfer to an indian manufacturing firm
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1984-11-01)This paper present an indepth case study of technology transfer to an indian manufacturing firm in the tractor industry and highlights the complexities involved as a result of the interaction of a number of factors both ...