Browsing Working Papers by Title
Now showing items 1571-1590 of 2627
The Nagarsheth of Ahmedabad: The history of an urban institution in a Gujarat City
(2010-03-25)The paper claims that nagarshethship in Ahmedabad was an innovation in urban institution. challenge Pressing the popularly held view that the institution began with Emperor Jahangir conferring this title on a principal ... -
Narasimham committee report- some further ramifications and suggestions
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1992-02-01)This paper while agreeing with the general thrust of the Narasimham committee report. Calls attention to some logical corollaries of the report and analyses some possible fall-out from implementing the Report . We agree ... -
Narasimham committee report: some further ramifications and suggestions
(2010-03-31)This paper while agreeing with the general thrust of the Narasimham Committee Report, calls attention to some logical corollaries of the Report and analyses some possible fallout from implementing the Report. We agree ... -
Narmada project: An opportunity for redefining social relations
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-09-01)There has been a heated controversy around the Narmada Project. Environmentalists have rightly argued for an open and informed debate. The government and the academics supporting it have felt that all the information has ... -
Narmada valley project: A disaster or an imparative for gujarat
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-08-01)We consider it a privelege to join issues with Baba Amte on Narmada project. He has argued (Indian Express July 9, 1989) that Narmada Project requires a complete reconsideration because its costs in terms of human suffering, ... -
The Nash-Bargaining solution for public sector pricing problems
(2010-03-22)In this paper we study some issues in positive second-best theory, specifically the theory of optimal pricing of private goods produced by public firms: i.e, firms whose objective departs from profit maximization. The ... -
National cost of television in India in 2000 A.D.: socio-economic and political implications and issues
(2010-03-14)The rapid expansion of TV coverage has opened up possibilities of this medium to be used as a developmental communication tool. The analysis in this paper has indicated that only 12 percent of the population residing in ... -
National demand and regional industrialization
(2010-03-14)Interstate disparity in the industrial output has been increasing in India in spite of our planned efforts to reduce the same. Out policies in this regard were based on the growth theories emphasising the role of factor ... -
National income and social welfare in a public good economy
(2010-03-24)In this paper we extend the relationship between social welfare and national income from an economy consisting society of private goods to an economy consisting of public goods as well. -
Nature of the environment for the forestry sector in India
(2010-03-13)The paper has argued that the overall impact of the economic, social, political, cultural, legal, administrative and technological variables does not appear to be conducive for the desired and deserved growth of the forestry ... -
Necessary and sufficient condition for a matrix to be totally unimodular
(2010-03-13)A characterization of totally unimodular matrix is gives is the paper. This provides an iterative method directly applicable on the matrix itself to recognize total unimodularity or otherwise of any given matrix. -
Need - based family planning programmes: content and treatment guidelines
(2010-03-13)This article presents three models of human behaviour with special emphasis on the process of decision makingat the individual level in the adoption of family planning practices. The first model describes how the adoption ... -
Need and challenges of management education in primary health care system in India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-11-01)Primary Health Care System in India is very large and covers almost all the parts of the country. It has more than 20,000 PHCs and 140,000 Sub-centres spread in more than 400 districts. This system consumes large amount ... -
Need for and possibility of integrating solar desalination with polyhouse in arid areas like Kutch
(2010-04-05)Development of agriculture in arid areas like Kutch is impeded because of widespread salinity and scarcity of good quality water. In view of this and the fact that insolation is high, we examine in this paper the possibility ... -
Need for back-up in box Solar Cooker
(2012-10-11)Systematic efforts to promote box solar cookers in Gujarat (India) began in Gujarat is characterised by high insolation, high ambient temperatures, clear sky and it parts, severe shortage of fuel –wood. In short, a region ... -
A Need for Location Specific Rice Research in India
(2012-09-27)This paper pertains to the problems of agricultural research management in India. Rice research has not yielded results of the same order as wheat research. The paper goes in to the details of rice production, area and ... -
Negotiating out of holdouts in land aggregation in India: small town lawyers, contingent contracts, social norms, and auctions
(IIM Ahmedabad, 2013-10)This a paper about the role of lawyers in small towns in India as the intermediary agents of large corporations. They help resolve disputes among farmers with small land holdings and also negotiate with them to purchase ... -
Negotiating strategies and skills- 1- A sociological study of the paradigms in the management of industrial relations in the Indian context - Current scenario and future directions
(2010-03-29)The most fascinating areas for investigation in the field of socio economic research has been the search for gaining new insights into the structure and process of choice behaviour in the management of industrial relations. ... -
A negotiation procedure converging to the egalitarian solution
(2010-03-29)This paper proposes a negotiation procedure, solutions of which converge to the egalitarian solution in two person bargaining problems. In this paper, we have defined a procedure, solutions of which converge to the egalitarian ... -
A negotiation procedure converging to the Nash bargaining solution
(2010-03-29)In this paper we propose a negotiation procedure for the bilateral monopoly problem, solutions of which converge to the Nash bargaining solution. In this paper we have established a convergent negotiation procedure for the ...