Browsing Working Papers by Title
Now showing items 2556-2575 of 2627
Wage determination for self-employed persons: some methodological explorations
(2010-03-29)The methodological problems of determining a fair economic return ("wages") for services rendered by a group of self employed workers have been discussed. Four alternatives have been considered and their relative merits explored. -
Wage differentials between sexes in India - an explanation
(2010-03-23)Persistent wage differential between male and female workers in any economy is generally sought to be explained by the hypotheses of job discrimination or sex discrimination. In the conditions prevalent in the Indian labour ... -
Wage elasticity of labour supply for males and females
(2010-03-24)Male-female wage differential in the Indian economy can be explained satisfactorily by the model of wage discriminating monopsony provided that the wage elasticities of supply of male and female labour are significantly ... -
Wage share in Indian manufacturing industries: 1961 to 1978-79
(2010-03-14)The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that the share of wages in net value added will tend to decline in the early stages of industrial development. The data are drawn from the Annual survey of industries. ... -
Wage structure in consumer goods and capital goods industries in India
(2010-03-21)An attempt has been made in this paper to examine the wage structure in consumer goods industries in relation to that in capital goods industries in the light of the two major hypotheses, viz., 'the expected ability to pay ... -
Wageindex analytical report India; wages and working conditions in the IT sector
(IIM Ahmedabad, 2014-04) -
Wages in India: towards a national policy
(2010-03-13)The objective of this paper is to review the empirical understanding of wage trends and wage differentials in Indian industries. The studies undertaken by various researchers differ in terms of their variables, coverage ... -
War for talent HR challenge of our times
(2010-04-06)The concept of modern management is primarily concerned with the planning and development of HR. the man behind the machine has rightly become the focus of attention with a sense of responsibility to make most of the ... -
Watering system for potted plants
(2010-03-31)This paper deals with design of a watering system for a large number of potted plants that form part of a landscape. Installation of the system was motivated by a desire to save labour, time and water. The system now in ... -
The way out of the current macroeconomic mess: a note
(2013-11-25)The current situation of a large CAD, low growth, and plunging rupee is a result the combination of early withdrawal from the fiscal stimulus and the RBI’s monetary conservatism. There is possibly a way out if credit can ... -
Weak localization and the utilitarian choice function: a note
(2009-12-12)In axiomatic bargaining (choice theory), a choice function of some importance is the utilitarian choice function. Basically, this choice function selects the vector of utilities whose sum is greatest, among all utility ... -
Web content analysis of online grocery shopping web sites in india
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2016-03-04)In this paper the authors evaluate online grocery shopping web sites catering to customers primarily in India. The process of evaluation has been carried out in 3 parts; by comparing the web content on their homepages, ... -
Weighted fair division problem
(2010-01-18)The exact problem we are concerned with in this paper is of the following nature. There are a finite number of producers each equipped with a utility function of the standard variety, which converts and input into a producer ... -
Weighted-additive versus reference-dependent models of bundle evaluation: evidence from discount framing on product bundles with surcharges
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014)Attractiveness of product bundles largely depends on how prices are framed. There is considerable disagreement among two contemporary models that posit how product bundles with discounts are evaluated. According to the ... -
The welfare consequences of patent protection, pricing and licensing in the Indian oral anti-diabetic market
(IIM Ahmedabad, 2015-03) -
What determines performance gap index of healthcare in Gujarat?
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014)Health performance of Gujarat viewed in terms of the Human Development Index (HDI) portrays it as a medium performer in the country. However, the index of health component for Gujarat is found to be positively contributing ... -
What does matched bank-firm data tell us about the moral hazard in lending decisions of state-owned banks in india?
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017-11-11)In this study, we examine quality of the lending decisions of public sector banks (PSBs) in India with a novel dataset which allows the identification of both the banks by the ownership types and their borrowers. We use a ... -
What Drives the Shareholer Value?
(2009-07-25)In the strategy literature a lot of emphasis is placed on growth as a dominant business strategy. Is growth always desirable? The finance literature, on the other hand, focuses more on economic profitability and value. ...