Browsing Working Papers by Title
Now showing items 1766-1785 of 2627
Peoples participation in irrigation projects changing patterns of Himachal Pradesh in Inida
(2010-03-14)The concept of peoples' participation in national economic development has gained renewed significance in recent years. This paper, using a case method of analysis, studies the charging patterns of peoples' participation ... -
Perception of college environment, work - values and professional aspirations of students of a medical college
(2010-03-13)This study sponsored by ICSSR, attempted to assess the perceptions of campus climate by the first, second and third year medical students. Differences in the work-value patterns and Professional aspirations were also ... -
Perfect least squares estimator
(2010-03-28)This paper makes an attempt to analyse the behaviour of regional income inequalities and capital inequalities in India. It also seeks to examine the relationship between the trend in regional income inequality and regional ... -
Performance - oriented selection criteria for rural entrepreneurs
(2010-03-12)One of the aims of current developmental policy in India consists of encouraging the scheduled and un-scheduled commercial banks and other financial agencies, to expand their scope of operaiton in order to remove financial ... -
Performance appraisal of human resource development function in Indian organisations: a preliminary survey
(2010-03-22)The HRD function has gained a lot of momentum in the last decade. An earlier survey conducted in 1984 indicated that a number of HRD sub-system were being initiated in Indian industry. A detailed questionnaire was developed ... -
Performance determinants of public enterprises
(2010-03-13)The paper is a summary of a report submitted to the World Bank on the performance determinants of Indian Public enterprises. The study was based on intensive case studies of four engineering enterprises, all attached to ... -
Performance evaluation of sales tax administration: a case study of Gujarat, India
(2010-03-25)This paper provides a methodology of evaluating performance of tax administration on the basis of available data on effort and achievement variables over a number of years. A case study of sales tax administration in Gujarat ... -
Performance in relation to anxiety and job involvement
(2010-03-13)In this investigation an attempt has been made to study the effect of anxiety and job involvement on performance of workers. Two psychometric tools were administered to 600 rank-and-file workers of textile unit to assess ... -
Performance of Greenhouse Coupled to Earth-Tube-Heat-Exchanger in Closed-Loop Mode
(2009-09-05)An experimental greenhouse coupled to an Earth Tube Heat Exchanger (ETHE) in closed-loop mode has been installed at Kothara (23o 40' N 72o 38' E), India. Area is hot and extremely arid. ETHE is used to warm the greenhouse ... -
Performance of institutional finance for agricultural development
(2010-03-22)This paper analyses the performance of rural institutional finance system and based on that draw implication for improving this performance. Section II provides a conceptualization of performance criteria. Section III ... -
Performance of nonparametric control chart
(2010-04-03)In this paper we use simulation to study the performance of three of these nonparametric control charts: the median chart the boostrap control chart and hodges-lehmann control chart for different distribution of the quality ... -
Performance of quality factor in Indian equity market
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2022-12-06)We study the characteristics of Quality factor (QMJ) in India, which is the sec- ond largest emerging market. Dimensions of quality factor are impacted by the weaker enforcement of corporate governance norms in emerging ... -
Performance of task-oriented and relation-oriented persons on a reward allocation task
(2010-03-14)Subjects who scored low and high on Fielder's least preferred coworker scale were provided with information about Behavior and performance of two workers of several groups, and were asked to distribute a fixed sum of money ... -
A periodic review inventory model for stochastic demand with two storage facilities
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1989-12-01)In this paper a periodic review probabilistic inventory model for a single item with two storage facilities is developed; one warehouse is owned by the system under considerations (which is referred to as OW) and the other ... -
Permutation Flowshop Scheduling with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties
(2009-09-02)We address the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with earliness and tardiness penalties (E/T) and common due date of jobs. Large number of process and discrete parts industries follow flowshop type of production ... -
Permutation flowshop scheduling with earlines and tradiness penalties
(2010-01-16)The permutation flowshop scheduling problem with earliness and tardiness penalties (E/T) and common due date of jobs. Large number of process and discrete parts industries flow flowshop type of production process. There ... -
Personal characteristics and job satisfaction - India - Nigeria comparison
(2010-03-13)Date were collected on 778 Indian and 620 Nigerian employees representing a variety of organizations. A comparative study was made to see the effect of 7 personal characteristics (Age, Sex, Marital Status, No. of dependents, ... -
Personal growth laboratory a personal philosophy
(2009-12-12)This paper focuses on the evolution and transformation of what is known as Laboratory Training or Personal growth Labs or PG Labs. The experience of the participants in the lab is for the self to explore the inner world ... -
Personality predispostion and satisfaction with supervisory style
(2010-03-13)76 employees reporting to only one organizationally defined supervisor answered on items reported to measure their level of interpersonal competence, perception of supervisory practices. It was found that in general high ...