Now showing items 1-10 of 43
Dividend rate and variation in share prices: an exploration into their inter-relationship
Return and risk are the two acknowledged characteristics affecting investment decision of investors in securities market. The literature on the relationship between these two characteristics provides ample evidence about ...
Economy demand factor in regional industrialization
In the present study it is argued that policies to achieve reduction in regional inequalities in industrialization in India so far have been guided by theories emphasizing the role of supplies of factors of production, ...
Empirical study of the intertemporal relations among the regional share price indicators
The purpose of the present research effort is to examine the intertemporal relationships among the share price indictors of five regional stock exchanges at Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Ahmedabad and Delhi. For each regional ...
Financing issues in proposed HIV/AIDS intervention of providing anti-retroviral drugs to selected regions in India
The development of antiretroviral therapy has given a new hope for people living with acquired
immuno deficiency syndrome. In the face of increased disease burden due to HIV the global
and political commitment towards ...
Substitution of trade credit for bank credit: empirical study of financing behaviour of Indian manufacturing companies using panel data
The hypothesis that companies substitute trade credit for bank credit during period of
restricted monetary policy has been subject of empirical investigation for the reasons
that it helps us to understand the linkages ...
Time series analysis of private health care expenditures and GDP: co-integration results with structural breaks
This paper analyses the time-series behaviour of private health expenditure and GDP to
understand whether there is long-term equilibrium relationship between these two
variables and estimate income elasticity of private ...
Setting up an irrigation cooperative: a feasibility study
The objective of the study was to examine the feasibility of setting up an irrigation cooperative in Hadgood village in Kheda district of Gujarat. A sample of 80 households, chosen at rando, was studied and households ...
Analysis of public expenditure on health using state level data
Increasingly the governments are facing pressures to increase budgetary allocations to
social sectors. Recently there has been suggestion to increase the government budget
allocations to health sector and increase it to ...
Governance of private sector corporate hospitals and their financial performance: preliminary observations based on listed and unlisted hospitals in India
This paper analysis financial performance of corporate hospitals in India. While studying the financial performance of hospitals in our previous work we observed that there are some distinct differences between unlisted ...
Preliminary analysis of claims data to understand relationship between disease patterns and quality of care and its implications for health insurance in India
This paper provides preliminary analysis of claims data of Mediclaim insurance scheme to understand the relationship between disease pattern and the quality of health care. We use length of stay (LOS) and average length ...