Now showing items 1-10 of 43
Creative restructuring
In the context of liberalization of globalization of economy, the changes required in the functioning of corporates need to be vast. Corporate restructuring has become an important means for achieving such changes in India ...
Management of divercificaiton in the public sector
Public enterprises in India are rapidly diversifying their business as a response to environmental changes as well as to achieve their growth, profitability and other strategic objectives. Hence, management of diversification ...
Contingency theory: a third world view
Contingency theory is viewed as an outcome of social transition. The evolution and development of contingency organization theory in the West and in India is reviewed. Its extensions, implications, and limitations are ...
Crisis responses of competing versus noncompeting organizations
The purpose of the paper is to identify responses of organizations undergoing crisis when they are subjected to either much competition or little competition.
Organizations of the future: a strategic organization perspective
In the light of research on organizational design, the paper outlines an effective design for the strategic organizations of developing societies. Strategic organizations are defined as those organizations with the mission ...
Organizational effectiveness: post-1976 survey of Indian research
The paper examines the concept, determinants, and implications of the effectiveness of complex organizations in the Indian development context. The terms effectiveness, complex organization, and Indian developmental context ...
Organizational behaviour research in India: a review
The paper defines Organizational Behaviour (OB) and indicates its relevance to management. It briefl describes some global trends in OB. Next, it discusses trends in OB research in India vis-a-vis quantity of OB research, ...
Corporate sickness and its prevention by financial institutions
Growing corporate sickness seems to be a global phenomenon, at least is the world's market-oriented economies. But the causes of sickness may differ as between Third World countries like India and the developed Western ...
Study of organizational policies
Two period data on 51 items of management policy were obtained from the top managements of 75 Indian organizations (mostly private and public sector corporations). The policy items were classified into those relating to ...
Properties of competing organizations
Competition is a pervasive feature of all societies in which the desired things of life are provided by alternative sources. The need to withstand competition must inevitably affect the structure and functioning of competing ...