Now showing items 1-10 of 176
Axiomatic characterisation of weighted boolean vote aggregators
A Federation Boolean Vote Aggregator allows a finite set of coalitions to unilaterally elect any candidate from a set containing exactly two candidates. There are several special types of Federation Boolean Vote Aggregators, ...
Vector optimization with multiple constraints
In this paper we show that a vector optimization problem with convex constraint functions which satisfy a constraint qualification can be reduced to a vector optimization problem with a single constraint, if the objective ...
Revelation principle for general principal: agents problems with incomplete information
In this paper we propose a model of a general principal - agents problem (with many agents) in which players choose actions and signals as pert of their strategy. Subsequently we show that any principal - agents problem ...
Arbitration games and approximate equilibria
In this paper we define an arbitration game in the context of a Bayesian Collective Choice Problem and derive an approximate equilibrium for such games under conditions of 'bounded rationality'.
Some remarks on properties for choice functions
In this paper, we present five catagories of results by studying the interrelationships between properties for choice functions. The first catagory of result is about the localization assumption. The second catagory of ...
Reconsideration of the additive choice function
The purpose of this paper is to provide axiomatic characterizations of the additive and weighted additive choice functions which are now defined over the entire domain of convex, compact, comprehensive choice problems.
Simplest problem in optimal control revisited
In this paper, we define and study the simplest problemin optimal control theory, withdifferential inequalities determining the evolution of state variables. We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality.
Generalization of the nash bargaining solution in two person co-operative games
Existence and characterization of a generalized bargaining solution incorporating preferential treatment, is discussed. Similar results pertaining to variable reference point games are motivated.
Correlated equilibria under bounded and unbounded rationality
In this paper we establish an isomorphism between the set of correlated equilibria of a game on the one hand and the set of ordered pairs of coordination mechanisms and equilibrium decision rules for the same game on the ...
Optimal maintenance and life of machines subject to time varying rate of depreciation
In this paper we study the optimal maintenance policy and life of machines with time varying decay rate of quality. Management management problems involve the determination of the life or horizon of an activity in combination ...