Now showing items 1-10 of 54
Models of role identity in Indian women barriers to growth
The paper is based on the ten years of experience of the author and her colleague professor Pulin K. Garg with women students, career women, professionals and housewives. The paper explores the dynamics of 'being' and ...
Indian managers pereception of self and others
Career paths of women in management in India
This paper examines the entry of women in management and their career paths in the organization. Three phases can be distinctly identified. The first phase appears in the fifties. In this phase women, men and organization ...
Values design and development of strategic organizations
This paper explores the connotations of concepts of social development, Organizations and values in the Indian society. Social Development has so many meanings that no coherent action seems to emerge. The Indian scene, in ...
Workers and management: a socio-historical perspective
This paper is based on a series of discussions held in INSEAD in 1975. Based on the discussions the ideas have been put together to understand why the relations between workers and management have evolved the way they have ...
Symbolic role models and identity patterns of Indian women
Woman is a phenomenon yet to be explored, experienced, and understood in all her viccisitudes, multiplicities, contradictions, and complexities. As she begins her journey in life at the dawn of birth and proceeds through ...
Management training in third world countries
The third world countries have focused on two simultaneous central and critical sectors for growth and development. These are: (a) Industrial and technological sector (2) Social sector.
Management training: mixed groups or single sex groups
This paper is an attempt to elucidate the approach for training. It also reviews the history, and perspective of development of management training in India
Structures and systems: the issue of cultural interface in indian organization
This paper explores the concept of structures, systems, and culture. It then examines the concept of interface and it gets influenced by the cultural processes. Indian oragniztions are squarely caught with the individual-authority ...
Social and professional context of growth women as home makers and managers
This paper explores the processes of growth of women in both the family and work settings and their role as home-makers and managers. From the family, women acquire male and female role models. They also acquire concept ...