Now showing items 1-10 of 124
Basic Emergency Obstetric Care for mothers and newborns through 24 x 7 primary health centres A case study of three 24/7 PHCs from a high focus district in India
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014)
The National Rural health Mission created 24X7 Primary Health Centres in order to provide basic emergency and obstetric services to women. The current study looked into how far the above NRHM objective has been met. Our ...
Midwifery education within the integrated nursing and midwifery programmes in India
(Indian Institute of Managment, Ahmedabad, 2014)
Staff nurses (nurse-midwives) in India are expected to provide normal birth services in health facilities under the maternal health strategy of the National Rural Health Mission. Under the integrated nursing and midwifery ...
Prevention of postpartum infections using ‘Appreciative Inquiry’
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2014)
The objective of the present study was to explore how infection rates in study hospitals were affected by an intervention in six intervention hospitals in Gujarat, India. Infection control practices, human resource management, ...
Reshaped fifth five year plan: Responses to changed environment
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1977-02-01)
This paper highlights the salient features of the revised fifth plan and contrasts them with those of the draft fifth plan. It also evaluates the revised exercises as a response to changed environment.
Some propositions about institution building
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1977-09-01)
Institution building has become a technical term being used for the process of helping institutions develop through transfer of knowledge, the term institution building can be used to denote the process of the growth and ...
Integrated rural development through farmers' organizations
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1977-03-01)
The industrial man of India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1977-06-01)
In this paper, the author primarily deal with those industrial men who are more directly involved in industrial activity.
The expected stock returns of Malaysian firms: A panel data analysis
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2001-09-01)
We used panel data set of 1729 observations (247 Malaysian companies listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange for 1993-2000) to identify variables that could explain expected returns of Malaysian stocks. Our results are ...