Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Some remarks on properties for choice functions
In this paper, we present five catagories of results by studying the interrelationships between properties for choice functions. The first catagory of result is about the localization assumption. The second catagory of ...
Reconsideration of the additive choice function
The purpose of this paper is to provide axiomatic characterizations of the additive and weighted additive choice functions which are now defined over the entire domain of convex, compact, comprehensive choice problems.
Elementary Proof in Rational Choice Theory Revisited
In this paper we prove a result which, apart from having independent interest, has found applications in recent mathematical economic literature of rational choice theory. The result states that if a two-dimensional demand ...
Supporting line property and the additive choice function for two dimensional choice problems
In this paper, we provide an axiomatic characterization of the additive choice function using the additivity property due to Myerson (1981). It is seen that along with Pareto Optimality, symmetry, and a supporting line ...
Characterizing the equal income market equilibrium choice correspondence: Average envy freeness instead of individual rationality from equal division
In problems of fair division of a given bundle of resources, amongst a finite number of agents, individual rationality from equal division plays a significant role. In a society, where all resources are socially owned, one ...
Ordinal comparisons in choice problems: a diagrammatic exposition
The basic problem in choice theory is to choose a point from a set of available points. A large literature has grown where the central issue is the choice of a vector from a compact, convex and comprehensive (terms to be ...
Weak localization and the utilitarian choice function: a note
In axiomatic bargaining (choice theory), a choice function of some importance is the utilitarian choice function. Basically, this choice function selects the vector of utilities whose sum is greatest, among all utility ...
Quasitransitive rational choice
We consider a finite universal set of alternatives and the set of all feasible sets are simply the set of all non-empty subsets of this universal set. A choice function assigns to each feasible set a non-empty subset of ...
New congruence axiom and transitive rational choice
Rationality in choice theory has been an abiding concern of decision theorists. A rationality postulate of considerable significance in the literature is the weak congruence axiom of Richter [1971] and Sen [1971]. It is ...
Consequence of chernoff and outcasting
The purpose of this paper is to prove by induction the theorem (in Aizerman and Malishevsi [1981]) that a choice function which satisfies Chernoff s axiom and Outcasting can always by expressed as the union of the solution ...