Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Sustainable development of Indian agriculture: green revolution revisited
Indian experience of technological change through 'Green Revolution' in now an internationally acclaimed achievement. Several countries in Africa are being advised to follow Indian experience. We have reappraised the lessons ...
Corporate investment in agriculture research: issues in sustainable development
The productivity of agricultural inputs has been consistently declining over last two decades. Given the economic squeeze, Indian economy cannot afford to provide resources required for such a non-sustainable use of inputs. ...
Farmers innovations for sustainable resources management and conservation of biological diversity
The agricultural transformation during green revolution is no more green in most developing countries. The declining productivity of inputs clearly points to the non-sustainable nature of current growth processes. While ...
Drought, deprivation and sustainable development: Why are the public policies so weak?
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1991-04-01)
National capacity to deal with the deleterious consequences of the drought has certainly increased in the recent years. But the' absence of death' as an indicator of success of public policies for drought mitigation is not ...