Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Narasimham committee report- some further ramifications and suggestions
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1992-02-01)
This paper while agreeing with the general thrust of the Narasimham committee report. Calls attention to some logical corollaries of the report and analyses some possible fall-out from implementing the Report .
We agree ...
Narasimham committee report: some further ramifications and suggestions
This paper while agreeing with the general thrust of the Narasimham Committee Report,
calls attention to some logical corollaries of the Report and analyses some possible
fallout from implementing the Report.
We agree ...
Comments on SEBI's draft takeover code
In this paper an attempt has been made to comment on the contents of the Draft
Regulation for `Substantial Acquisition of Shares in Listed Companies’ of SEBI
(Consultative Paper 1). The authors broadly concur with the ...