Now showing items 1-10 of 26
"McKinsey" versus "movement" change management: Kurukshetra of the 21st century?
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-10-01)
The paper contrasts two paradigms of management change that may increasingly compete for management allegiance: the professionalist, a analytical, bottomline oriented McKinsey mode and the participatory, collectivist, ...
A concept of constrained egalitarianism in fair division problems
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-10-01)
This paper is really a modification of a paper by Diamantaras and Thomson (1990). In that paper, the no-envy concept due to Foley (1967) was refined to accommodate some kind of a radial) no-envy comparison, inspired by ...
Axiomatic characterization of budget constrained Pareto efficient social choice for fair division problems
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-11-01)
In this paper, we axiomatically characterize the social choice correspondence, which picks for each economy, the set of equal income budget constrained Pareto efficient allocations. We are able to characterize this social ...
Environment control of greenhouse at Bhujodi
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-11-01)
This write-up contains air temperature data and preliminary analysis of cooling requirement for greenhouse at Bhujodi. Examination of the temperature data showed that night time temperatures remain high enough most of the ...
Structural design for greenhouse at Bhujodi
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-10-01)
This write up contains design computations for selection of structural members for a greenhouse to be installed at Bhujodi. Straight wall gable roof form was selected. Wind load estimates made for wind angle 0 degree and ...
Issues in accounting standards setting processes in India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-10-01)
The paper critically examines the accounting standards setting process in India and compares the Indian process with the processes prevailing elsewhere in the world. The paper concludes that the Indian standards setting ...
Intellectual property rights, farmer's rights and plant genetic conservation: An overview
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-09-01)
The Indian Patents Act of 1970 excludes all living organisms from the scope of patent ability. However, under the Trade Related Intellectual Properties (TRIPs) negotiated under GATT the government is bound to provide some ...
Behaviour of excess stock return around earnings announcement day: A test of the efficiency of Kuala Lumpur stock exchange
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-11-01)
This study is concerned with analyzing stock returns around periods of earnings announcements. Three hundred and sixty-four earnings announcement dates (events) were obtained from the annual earnings announcements of 91 ...
Primary health care under the panchayati raj: Perceptions of officials from Gujarat
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-10-01)
The 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution has raised hoped for improving many services in rural areas by handling them over to Panchayat. Gujarat was one of the first states to implement the Panchayati Raj system ...
Corporate takeovers in Malaysia: Discriminant analysis for bidder and target firms
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1998-11-01)
The paper looks into 144 non-financial firms in Malaysia for period 1980-1993, which includes bidders, targets, control bidders and control targets. A set of five economic/financial variables has been identified to ...