Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Preliminary analysis of claims data to understand relationship between disease patterns and quality of care and its implications for health insurance in India
This paper provides preliminary analysis of claims data of Mediclaim insurance scheme to understand the relationship between disease pattern and the quality of health care. We use length of stay (LOS) and average length ...
Factoring Affecting the Demand for Health Insurance in a Micro Insurance Scheme
Health insurance schemes are increasingly recognised as preferable mechanisms to finance health care provision. In this direction micro health insurance schemes and community based health insurance schemes are assuming ...
A Study of Factors Affecting the Renewal of Health Insurance Policy
Health insurance policies are generally one-year policies and to remain part of the insurance poll, policyholders are required to renew their policies each year. Understanding the factors that affect the demand and renewal ...
Financial Health of Private Sector Hospitals in India
Hospitals are an important component of the healthcare delivery system. Over the years, India has experienced a significant increase in the number of hospital beds to meet the growing health demands of its population. ...
Involving Private Healthcare Providers to Reduce Maternal Mortality in India: A Simulation Study to Understand Implications on Provider Incentives
Gujarat State has implemented the “Chiranjeevi Yojana” to improve access to institutional delivery with an objective to reduce maternal mortality and at the same time providing financial protection to poor families. The ...
Financial Performance of Private Sector Hospitals in India: Some Further Evidence
This paper analyses financial performance of private hospitals. The study is based on financial statement data of private hospitals for the years 1999 to 2004. Using 25 key financial ratios, the study finds six key ...
Third Party Administrators and Health Insurance in India: Perception of Providers and Policyholders
The advent of Third Party Administrators (TPAs) is expected to play an important role in health insurance market in ensuring better services to policyholders. In addition, their presence is expected to address the cost ...
Policy initiative of centre - sponsored programmes in the health sector and its implications for financial and other reource flows
The central sponsored programmes (CSPs) have been one key policy initiative of the Government of India to support the health sector programmes directly, even though the health has remained the State subject. The Centre ...
Public-private partnership in health sector: issues and prospects
The paper discusses selected cases of private-public partnerships, which have recently been initiated by several state governments in India. The analysis of these initiatives suggests inadequacies of proper institutional ...
Strengthening emergency care through the provision of ambulance in public health facilities: economic issues and policy Implementation guidelines
Provision of ambulance services in remote areas is an important policy intervention to strengthen the referral system and improve the quality of emergency care. The financial requirements resulting out of capital costs and ...