Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Growth Acceleration and Potential in Gujarat
The paper begins by considering the growth experience of Gujarat in 17 sectors compared to the nation during the pre-reform period of 1980-92 and reform period of 1991-2004 identifying areas of strength and weaknesses. ...
Inter-Relationship between Economic Growth, Savings and Inflation in Asia
The present study examines the inter-relationship between economic growth, savings rate and inflation for south-east and south Asia in a simultaneous equation framework using two stage least squares with panel data. The ...
Growth Acceleration and Potential in Gujarat
The paper begins by considering the growth experience of Gujarat in 17 sectors compared to the nation during the pre-reform period of 1980-92 and reform period of 1991-2004 identifying areas of strength and weaknesses. ...
Determinants of Export Performance of Indian Firms – A Strategic Perspective
Macroeconomic policy reforms initiated in India since 1991 have brought about a significant improvement in the export performance of Indian firms. This paper examines the export performance of firms with the help of balance ...
Growth Acceleration and Potential in Gujarat
The paper begins by considering the growth experience of Gujarat in 17 sectors compared to the nation during the pre-reform period of 1980-92 and reform period of 1991-2004 identifying areas of strength and weaknesses. ...
First estimates of stock of capital at state level and data gaps in India
In the present paper the methodology and data sources to construct estimates of capital stock as on March 31, 1961 for 15 major state economies in India are described pointing out gaps in the availability of required data. ...
Trade, technology and wage effects of the economic policy reforms on the Indian private corporate sector
The economic growth achieved in India after 1991 bears an imprint of the economic policy reforms which were accelerated in 1991 with a shift in development strategy towards increasing liberalisation and globalisation of ...
Identification of Top Performing Economies
Using seven indicators of the economic performance of 187 countries, the paper identifies the top 50 performers during the decades of 1981-90 and 1991-2000. Five of these indicators are the trend rates of growth over a ...
By mid-September, 2003 it is becoming clear that Gujarat is likely to experience a bumper crop in the year 2003-04. The State Ministry of Agriculture is looking for some concrete suggestions, advice and policy recommendations ...
Macroeconomic Framework for Development in Gujarat
The paper begins by discussing need for developing a regional accounting framework and estimating relevant variables to formulate realistic growth targets and appropriate development strategy in the reform era for the ...