Now showing items 1-10 of 28
A Note on axiomatic characterizations of the Nash bargaining solution
In this paper, to begin with we present a generalization of the independence of irrelevant expansions assumption to the situation with an arbitrary yet finite number of players, and with the help of a comparatively simpler ...
Share equivalent allocations for problems of fair division
In this paper we begin with a given social endowment. A profile of shares (which could very well all be equal), is part of the environment. This is the planner s contribution to the economic environment, as conceived in ...
Extension functions on power sets
In Kannai and Peleg(1984) the following problem was posed: Given a positive integer n , is it possible to define a positive integer valued function on all non-empty subsets of the first n positive integers, so that ...
Existence of a pareto optimal equal loss allocation in pure distribution problems
In this paper we show, that for a large class of pure distribution problems, embedded in a very general framework, a Pareto optimal equal loss allocation exists.
Comment on the diamantaras - Thomson no - envy concept
This paper is really a technical remark on a paper by Diamantaras and Thomas (1990). In that paper, the no-envy concept due to Foley (1967) was refined to accommodate some kind of a radial no-envy comparison, inspired by ...
Axiomatic characterization of the cao choice function for multiattribute choice problems
In this paper we provide an axiomatic characterization of a choice function due to Cao (1981) multiattribute choice problems.
A comment on the independence of irrelevant epansion assumption for the non - symmetric nash choice function
In this paper we establish three distinct results: a) a unique characterization of the family of non-symmetric Nash choice functions using an Independence of Irrelevant Expansions Assumption; b) a characterization of the ...
A Note on cost monotonic group decision mechanisms
In this paper we study the problem of project selection as a group decision making problem and obtain a characterization of cost monotonic group decision mechanism. We furnish two examples of cost monotonic group decision ...
Weak localization and the utilitarian choice function: a note
In axiomatic bargaining (choice theory), a choice function of some importance is the utilitarian choice function. Basically, this choice function selects the vector of utilities whose sum is greatest, among all utility ...
Quasitransitive rational choice
We consider a finite universal set of alternatives and the set of all feasible sets are simply the set of all non-empty subsets of this universal set. A choice function assigns to each feasible set a non-empty subset of ...