Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Engineering the agriculture in Kutch: Fodder Factory -1
This paper discusses the concept of controlled environment agriculture which may be necessary to bring arid areas like Kutch under production.
Crop, Conservation, Creativity and Collaboration
Participatory plant breeding has attracted lot of attention in the recent past. However, most of the time, farmers’ involvement has been restricted to selections from the material generated by plant breeders as a part of ...
Indigenous Knowledge and Innovations for Managing Resources, Institutions and Technologies Sustainably: A Case of Agriculture, Medicinal Plants and Biotechnology
Communities living close to nature invariably evolve a language to understand and interpret the variations and discontinuities in nature. A flower of new colour, an unusually tall plant, an unseasonal germination or an ...
Process, People, Power and Conflict: Some Lessons from a Participatory Policy Process in Andhra Pradesh, India
A large body of empirical literature highlights the need for stakeholder participation within the context of policy change and democratic governance. This makes intuitive sense and may appear to be a straightforward process ...
Corporate Farming in India: Is it Must for Agricultural Development?
Indian agriculture is under policy reforms for some time now. One of the issues it faces is that of lack of viability of smaliholdings and lack of international competitiveness of its produce. In this regard, new initiatives ...
Catalysing Indian agriculture
This somewhat non-technical and brief paper synthesizes the literature on what to catalyse for the Strategy for agriculture and how to accomplish this strategy through public policies for government expenditure, reorganization ...
Managing Knowledge, Creating Networks and Triggering Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2009)
In this paper, the author discuss the major knowledge gaps, stress the importance of peer learning and building upon farmers’ own innovations and suggest new initiatives for transforming extension strategies. He have ...
Profile and performance of some Farm Input Industries
Modernisation of agriculture requires different farm inputs industries like seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, implements and machinery, feed for livestocks and electricity. This is because new technologies in agriculture are ...