Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Quantifying the Impact of Chikungunya and Dengue on Tourism Revenues
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2009)
Health economists have traditionally quantified the burden of vector-borne diseases (such as chikungunya and dengue) as the sum of the cost of illness and the cost of intervention programmes. The objective of ...
A Preliminary Estimate of Immediate Cost of Chikungunya and Dengue to Gujarat, India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2009)
In this working paper, a preliminary estimate of the immediate cost of chikungunya and dengue to the Indian state of Gujarat has been estimated by combining nine earlier studies on major cost factors such as ...
Chikungunya Fever:A Killer Epidemic in Ahmedabad City, India
The Chikungunya virus is an alphavirus native to tropical Africa and Asia and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. The symptoms of Chikungunya include sudden onset of fever, ...
Chikungunya Epidemic Mortality in India: Lessons from “17th Century Bills of Mortality” still relevant
Chikungunya is a virus spread by the bite of the Aedes mosquito, which recently reemerged as a massive epidemic in the Indian Ocean islands and India. Chikungunya is generally considered self-limiting and has been reported ...