Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Small and Medium Enterprise in India Today – Overcoming Policy Constraints to Achieving Rapid Growth in a Globalising Economy
Sustained very high rate of growth (above 8% in the context today in India) would be able to achieve (since a labour productivity growth of 4 to 4.5 % is to be factored in) a labour absorption rate of 3.5 to 4% which is ...
Is India Ready for Online Dispute Resolution?
The Indian judicial system is marred by delays. Businesses suffer because disputes are not resolved in a reasonable time. Even with the use of methods of alternative dispute resolution a fair number of high value disputes ...
The Logistics Sector in India: Overview and Challenges
The logistics industry in India is evolving rapidly and it is the interplay of infrastructure, technology and new types of service providers that will define whether the industry is able to help its customers reduce their ...
Corporate Farming in India: Is it Must for Agricultural Development?
Indian agriculture is under policy reforms for some time now. One of the issues it faces is that of lack of viability of smaliholdings and lack of international competitiveness of its produce. In this regard, new initiatives ...
Determinants of Small-Scale Farmer inclusion in Emerging Modern Agrifood Markets: A Study of the Dairy Industry in India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2009)
In response to structural transformations taking place in the Indian dairy sector mainly in processing segment this paper examines determinants of market channel choices of milk producers based on a survey of 390 farm ...
Chikungunya Fever:A Killer Epidemic in Ahmedabad City, India
The Chikungunya virus is an alphavirus native to tropical Africa and Asia and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes. The symptoms of Chikungunya include sudden onset of fever, ...
An Investigation of Incongruency and Distraction Hypotheses: The Context of Dubbed TV Commercials
When one looks at the Television commercials scene in India, one easily sees three distinct patterns of communication. One is the nation-wide campaigns that are language neutral, meaning, they are purely music based. The ...