Now showing items 11-20 of 104
Linkages for lateral learning among farmers scientists and extension workers: story of match makers and lessons for link breakers
The linkages between farmers, scientists and extension workers have been studied through several angles. The barriers to learning at individual and organizational level have been listed. The relation between the type of ...
Sustainable development of Indian agriculture: green revolution revisited
Indian experience of technological change through 'Green Revolution' in now an internationally acclaimed achievement. Several countries in Africa are being advised to follow Indian experience. We have reappraised the lessons ...
Politics of articulation mediating structures and voluntarism: from 'chauraha' to 'chaupal'
There is a considerable concern in India about the 'silence' of a large number of disadvantaged groups who have either learned to be helpless or articulate their problems rather feebly. The nature of articulation, mediating ...
Technology for dry farming: how the scientists students & farmers view the challenge
An exploratory study of scientific goal setting in dry farming areas was pursued during 1985. The post-graduate students as well as scientists engaged in dry farming research from a North Indian agricultural university and ...
Urgent issues in drought management is it too late to act
Recent drought in western India is unique for many reasons. The most conspicuous is the fact that it has generated unprecedented apathy and indifference of intellectuals. The situation in Gujarat is all the more paradoxical.The ...
Scientific perception of farmers innovations in dry regions: barriers to the scientific curiosity
In a recent study (i) based on the field work in semi-aridparts of India we had asked mainly the biological but some social scientists to narrate any practice of the farmers which had intrigued them. The scientists included ...
Banking in backward regions: banks-NGO-poor interface alternatives for action
The problem of improving access of poor to formal banking system in risky ecological regions has acquired added importance in recent times. The ecological imbalances, reduced opportunities for productive investments, ...
Exploratory study of viewers perceptions of television advertising
Study of Consumers' attitude towards advertising helps the advertisers in planning their advertising campaigns. By comparative evaluation of advertisements across different elements viz. Creative strategies, appeals and ...
Survival under stress: socio ecological perspective on on farmers innovation and risk adjustments
Need for closer interactions between natural scientists and farmers to generate relevant technologies is being increasingly recognised. The uniformity of ecological endowment and its correspondence with conditions at ...
Managing access assurance and ability: what should rural development managers learn and unlearn
Training of rural development managers has attracted considerable attentionin the recent pest in light of the drive in the Central Government for upgrading the professional skills of development managers. However, the ...