Now showing items 21-30 of 104
Ethical issues in prospecting biodiversity
Biodiversity Treaty has recognized in an unequivocal manner the need for developing an accountable and equitable system for building relationship with people who conserve biodiversity and associated knowledge systems. ...
Role of women in risk adjustment in drought prone regions
In the wake of extreme environmental fluctuations inherent in arid and semi-arid ecological regions it is inevitable that different classes of rural households evolve over a period of time specific risk adjustment strategies. ...
Biodiversity and poverty vis-a-vis biotechnology and prosperity
The debate on intellectual property rights of third world farmers, pastoralists and artisans has almost always been guided by the fear that the industry in the developing countries (particularly drug industry) would be ...
Corporate investment in agriculture research: issues in sustainable development
The productivity of agricultural inputs has been consistently declining over last two decades. Given the economic squeeze, Indian economy cannot afford to provide resources required for such a non-sustainable use of inputs. ...
Why does poverty persist in regions of high biodiversity: a case for indigenous property right system
The extent of rural poverty has been noted to be unusually high in the Vavilov centres of genetic diversity. Be it rice in Orissa, India or potato in Peru, the cultivator preserving genes for diversity are unable to benefit ...
Household survival through commons: performance in an uncertain world
The search for ethically responsible and scientifically precise alternatives for socially disadvantaged groups in high risk environments requires a multi disciplinary, multi market/multi institutional approach. Various ...
Rewarding creativity for conserving diversity in third world: can IPR regime serve the needs of contemporary and traditional knowledge experts and communities in third world
Regions of high biodiversity are often inhabited by the poorest people. The irony is that many of local healers and other herbal experts do not even charge for their services to the community. They conserve biological ...
Managing environments sustainably through understanding and assimilating local ecological knowledge: the case of honey bee
Conceptually the developmental models can be arrayed on two dimensions: The time frame and decision making options or horizon. I have defined development as a process of well as the institutions (Gupta 1981, Gupta et al, ...
Sustainability through biodiversity: designing crucibles of culture creativity and conscience
In this paper there is a widespread concern world over about non-sustainability of present development strategies and structures in both developed as well as developing world. Most debates have however, ignored the ...
Conserving diversity for sustainable development: the case of plants of insecticidal and veterinary medicine importance
The paper provides list of several hundred plants which have been used for veterinary medicine or plant protection purposes by the local people in India and elsewhere. Our continuing work on documentation of local technical ...