Now showing items 31-40 of 104
Reciprocity: making development a two way street
As a follow up of agenda 21, Government of Netherlands took an initiative of forming a four country partnership among Bhutan, Benin, Costa Rica and Netherlands. The idea was to explore what kind of reciprocity can be ...
Managing research networks: a study of inter - organizational linkages
Many organizations have resources which may not be optimally used within the organization. Thus the redundancy of some resources and scarcity of others often generate the need for inter-organizational networks. At the same ...
Assessing biological diversity and associative knowledge system: can ethics influence equity
Regions of high biodiversity are often inhabited by the poorest people. The irony is that many of local healers and other herbal experts do not even charge for their services to the community. They conserve biological ...
Rethinking policy options for watershed management by local communities: combining equity efficiency and ecological - economic viability
The policy environment for management of land-use in India has been quite mud-died. Part of the reason is lack of accountability among senior level public administrators, policy planners and various constituents of the ...
Agricultural biotechnology in India: ethics, business and politics
Development of sustainable pest management strategies in agriculture has become
necessary in view of increasing non-viability of chemical based approach. Among
various approaches for the purpose, policy makers have paid ...
Debate on biotechnology and intellectual property rights: protecting the interests of third world farmers and scientists
The debate on protection of intellectual property rights of the companies and scientific labs developing technologies through biotechnological means or otherwise has been highly surcharged with the emotions.
Eco institutional perspective on maintaining diversity
The paper is organized in three parts. In part one, I discuss the phenomena of ecological diversity and its bearing on our learning, living and exchange systems. In part two, I provide examples of the interactions through ...
Restructuring public systems through administrative innovations: will civil service respond
When the role of the state is being redefined in the wake of recent economic crisis, a discussion on making public systems and enterprises more responsive to social concerns may be quite appropriate. But that was not the ...
Choosing the right mix: market state and institutions for environmentally sustainable industrial growth
Efficiency, Growth and Exports are the main items on nationzs economic agenda. There is some concern (perhaps not adequate) for developing Safety Nets for people hurt/left out by growth. Unfortunately environmental ...
Is longer, faster, stronger, smarter life also the happier? Reflections on slower, sustainable and more inclusive life experience
Worldwide concern with advances in life extension and enhancement technologies has brought together scientists, corporate managers and ethicists together in the world Forum on Tomorrow’s People, Oxford University to debate ...