Now showing items 31-40 of 45
Indian Convertible bonds with unspecified terms a Valuation Model
Indian convertible bonds have two peculiar features that make them possibly unique in the world: a) the bonds are compulsorily converted into equity without any option, and b) the conversion terms are not specified at the ...
Market valuation model under differential taxes inflation recurring investments and flotation costs
The extent literature on valuation identifies several important variables affecting the value of a firm. These include, corporate and personal taxes, reinvestments, leverage, dividend policy, and inflation. But, most of ...
Equilibrium pricing of special bearer bonds
On 1981, the government issued Special Bearer Bonds under a scheme which allowed people to invest their black money in these bonds and enjoy freedom from investigations and prosecutions for tax evasion in respect of their ...
Impact on sensex of scrapping double taxation of dividends
The taxation of dividends has generated an active debate in recent months in the media.
While the industry representatives have been critical of the double taxation of dividends, the
Government seems to be questioning ...
Narasimham committee report: some further ramifications and suggestions
This paper while agreeing with the general thrust of the Narasimham Committee Report,
calls attention to some logical corollaries of the Report and analyses some possible
fallout from implementing the Report.
We agree ...
Comments on SEBI's draft takeover code
In this paper an attempt has been made to comment on the contents of the Draft
Regulation for `Substantial Acquisition of Shares in Listed Companies’ of SEBI
(Consultative Paper 1). The authors broadly concur with the ...
Financial literacy among working young in urban India
The paper reports investigation of a study on the influence of various socio-demographic factors on
different dimensions of financial literacy among the working young in urban India. While the influence of
several factors ...
Betting against beta in the Indian market
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014)
Recent empirical evidence from diff erent markets suggests that the security market line is flatter than posited by CAPM. This flatness implies that a portfolio long in low-beta assets and short in high-beta assets would ...
Time resolution of the St. Petersburg paradox: a rebuttal
eters (2011) claims to provide a resolution of the three century old St Petersburg paradox by using
time averages and thereby avoiding the use of utility theory completely. Peters also claims to have found
an error in ...
High frequency manipulation at futures Expiry: the case of cash settled Indian single stock futures
(Indian Institute of Management , Ahmedabad, 2014)
Futures markets are known to be vulnerable to manipulation, and despite the presence of a variety of mechanisms to prevent such manipulation, instances of market manipulation have been found in some of the largest and most ...