A quantitative model for press media planning in India
The prevalent practice of press media planning in
India is to use available circulation and readership data
to draw up media plans that will give the desired
"reach" and average frequency of exposure (OTS) among
the target audience. Plans drawn through conventional,
non-formal methods obviously lack in precision and result
only in crude estimates of the "reach" and the average
This paper presents a quantitative model for press
media planning which uses available audience data and
research. The model selects the lowest cost media plan
which achieves the desired "reach" and "average OTS"
per person in several target audience groups.
Application of the model to develop a zonal press
media plan for a frequently-bought-consumer-packagedproduct
showed a reduction of about 40% in cost over
the cost of a media plan developed through conventional
- Journal Articles [3727]