Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 17-36 of 470
Banking on human beings: action research in human resource development and organization development in a large organization
(1983)Changing organizations to suit their socially desirable purposes while furthering humanistic values for its members is a growing challenge to the theory and practice of behavioural sciences. The task appears to be all the ... -
Beauty service work as dirty work: Understanding employees' lived experiences
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2018)Beauty service work, an emergent industry in the contemporary business context, has earlier been studied as bodywork and interactive service work. The present study explores the subjective experiences of beauty service ... -
Behavioral perspective of budgeting; an exploratory study set in two fertilizer companies
(1985)This study examines budgeting from three different perspectives. 1. Industry practices and the importance of budgeting to organizations. 2. The relationships between the objectives of budgeting (planning evolution, ... -
Behaviour of stock market prices: information assimilation and market efficiency
(1985)The stock market plays an important role in the allocation of capital resources. The market is allocation ally efficient when it maintains equivalent rates of return on comparable investments, for this would channelize ... -
Bias in testing; a study of bank selection tests
(1989)Multiple choice objective type test is a popular method of selection. However, research indicates that these tests are biased towards specific socio-economic groups. Research in India on these issues is scanty and has been ... -
Broadening the concept of sustainability and measuring its impact on firm’s performance
(Indian institute of management Ahmedabad, 2014)The consumer environmentalism has grown significantly due to issues triggered by environmental disasters, protests by activists, and environmental education (Mclntosh, 1991; Straughan & Roberts, 1999; Chen, 2010). The ... -
Building capabilities for global service delivery: a study in the Indian software service sector
(2009)Firm Capabilities have attracted research attention for several years. Capabilities have been seen from resource-based (Barney, 1991) and process-based (Helfat et al,2007) views. We take the latter and define capabilities ... -
Capabilities, entrepreneurial competencies, and success: some explorations
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2024)Entrepreneurial competencies are a specific group of competencies that enable the entrepreneur to start and grow a venture and are relevant to ensure successful entrepreneurship (Man et al., 2002). The significant push ... -
Capability building leading to commercialization: a study of product based Indian telecom start-ups
(2011)New ventures, especially in high-tech domain {defined by OECD as sectors with high R&D intensity, such as aerospace, biotech, etc.), have received wide recognition for their important contributions to the economy. Prior ... -
Challenges in the introduction of new technologies: a study of the performance and adoption of hybrid rice in India
(2014)Rice is the most important food staple of India and increasing its production in the context of rising food demand and escalating food prices is a major challenge in India. Breakthroughs are urgently required. A major ... -
Challenges of saving water: the adoption and impact of micro-irrigation technology in agriculture
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2022-04-06)The large-scale use of traditional irrigation methods has pushed agriculture towards extensive and unsustainable water use. The thesis focuses on the adoption and impact of Micro-Irrigation (MI) technology, considered an ... -
Change in leadership behaviour through online professional development programme: contextualising community based identity cohesion and intentionality
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2019)School principals play a crucial leadership role by managing four components of their schools’ organizational capacity: teachers’ skills, professional community, technical resources, and program coherence. Though important ... -
Change point, prediction and classification with functional data
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2018)Functional data consists of a collection of curves (or functions) defined on a finite subset of some interval. In this dissertation, we discuss change point, prediction and classification problems with functional data. ... -
Changes in environmental impact assessment (EIA) regulation in India: exploring the political dynamics from a neo-gramscian perspective
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2024)Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has traditionally been presented as a scientific tool for sustainable development by ensuring that economic development projects consider their environmental impacts in decision-making. ... -
Choice determinants and comparative evaluation of agri-output marketing channels – A farmers’ perspective
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2018)Agricultural marketing, regulated by the state APMC Acts of 1960s for over four decades, was found wanting in expanding services, securing better returns to farmers, and ensuring low prices of farm commodities to consumers. ... -
The choice of organisational form in implementing diversification
(1994)Research on diversification as a major corporate strategy has primarily addressed the issues of objectives of diversification, effect on various performance parameters and managing diversified conglomerates. Diversification ... -
Choice of technique in the sugar industry: an interactive multi-objective model
(1985)The Choice of Technique (C.O.T) problem has always been treated in the literature as a problem of ranking the alternative techniques available on a single criterion, viz., net objectives, if included, have been clubbed ... -
Client-orientation in new product development: a case of biotechnological agri-input
(1995)Evaluation of agricultural technology development and review of commercial product development revealed that only a small percentage of the new products have succeeded in the market. For instance, the numbers of varieties ... -
Climate change, air pollution and public health in India: impact assessment and adaptation strategies
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014)Climate change has brought into sharp focus two key environmental health concerns for Indian cities - outdoor air pollution and climate change related temperature extremes. This research explores exposure-response relationships ... -
Coking coal allocation to steel plants: modeling and policy analysis
(1989)Supply of required quantity of coking coal having specified quality has been a major problem for integrating steel plants. Performance of our steel sector has been severely affected by the quality of coking coal which it ...