Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 55-74 of 470
Debt tolerance: a model and its application to Indian states
(2006)A number of studies on the fiscal situation in India have noticed the deterioration in finances of the state’s governments in India. The deterioration has translated itself into burgeoning debts, the sustainability of debts ... -
Decentralised development planning towards an operational framework
(1979)This dissertation critically examines the existing system of development planning in India for its suitability as a multilevel mode of planning. After discussing the related issues, it proceeds to give a framework for ... -
Deciphering the choice overload phenomenon – Exploring the role of consideration sets and anticipated regret
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)Studies on choice proliferation and its negative effects, popularly referred to as ‘Choice Overload (CO)’, have built on insights from the seminal ‘Jam Study’ (Iyengar & Lepper, 2000), which highlighted the paradoxical ... -
Decision models for e-hailing texi platforms
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2020)Uber, Ola, Didi, and Lyft are examples of successful e-hailing taxi platforms. In this thesis, we aim to develop decision models for such platforms. In the rst essay, for an e-hailing taxi operation, we analyze the driver's ... -
Decision models for single-period and lateral stock-transfer inventory policies in disribution systems
(2004)Firms are facing intense competition in today’s global business environment. They have to produce quality products at competitive prices with unpredictable demand. To be competitive, a firm has to quickly respond to demand ... -
Decision support system for portfolio management
(1988)Decision making has remained a prime area of research, both for the management scientists and the behvioural scientists. Various approaches to decision making view either information, or analytical techniques, or intuition ... -
Decision support system for urban bus route network design
(1998)Most of the large Indian cities are experiencing a high growth rate in vehicle population, leading to problems related to road congestion and air pollution. A strong public transport system can lead to better road utilization ... -
Degree of Openness and Project Performance: a Multi-Country Empirical Assessment of Open Innovation Information Technology Initiatives
(2013)The concept of open innovation has received much interest in management research of late. Open innovation paradigm considers that in order to advance technologies and markets, firms can and should leverage internal and ... -
Demand for industrial consumer goods in India: a study of linkages
(1980)In recent years the growth of industrial output as a whole as well as that of consumer goods industries have been anything but impressive. Given this not too cheerful a situation the constraints to industrialization need ... -
Designing for digital: an insight into the technological evolution of work-from-home in the contemporary workplace
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2022)Work-from-home is increasingly becoming more prevalent over the last few decades. Given the recent pandemic, work-from-home has become an essential practice for many organisations across the world. Large-scale implementations ... -
Determinants and outcomes of intention to quit of Indian IT professionals
(2007)Globalisation and outsourcing have become buzzwords in the present economic boom. India is getting considerable attention, with specific focus on software services outsourcing. The Indian software services sector is growing ... -
Determinants of capital structure decisions in large mature corporations: an empirircal analysis
(1995)The objectives of the study were to find answers to the following questions: 1. Are agency cost measures significant determinants of the debt equity choice? (Agency costs implying costs borne by equity shareholders, because ... -
Determinants of CEO compensation: evidence from India
(2008)Despite a wealth of research on CEO compensation drawn from agency and managerialist perspectives, little is known about determinants of compensation in contexts outside developed economies and professionally-run organizations. ... -
Determinants of entry in the Indian manufacturing sector: 1993-2000
(2002)Industrial Organisation literature has a long tradition of analyzing determinants of entry in the industrial sector. In most cases the purpose of such analyses has been to identify factors that result in barriers to entry. ... -
Determinants of human resource responses in the context of mergers - an exploration into executive responses
(2002)Mergers and acquisitions have become the principal tools for corporate restructuring. There has been a sharp increase in both the number and size of the mergers and acquisitions in the 90s. An extensive review of literature ... -
Determinants of incidence and modes of alliances: a study of Indian information industry
(2004)Globalization and technological changes are rapidly changing the context in which business firms function. Firms are responding in a variety of ways to these changes and one of the responses is the use of alliances, ... -
Determinants of Inter-Country Variations in Outward Foreign Direct Investment and Cases of Outward FDI from India
(2013)Existing literature offers the reasons for emergence of foreign direct investment (FDI) through various hypotheses. The intangible assets advantage hypothesis suggests that FDI occurs due to presence of a bundle of “intangible ... -
Determinants of knowledge flows and firm performance in industrial clusters
(2006)Industrial clusters have been in existence for more than a century. Numerous explanations have been provided for the existence and continued dominance of industrial clusters. Most of the explanations before 1990 focused ... -
Determinants of managerial role competency utilization of IT project managers
(2003)Organizations have widely implemented Competency based HR systems in the last decade. Competency profiling, gap analysis, competency based assessment and compensation/selection based on competencies has all gained international ... -
Determination, estimation and enhancement of social media user engagement: a deep dive into sports marketing
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2024)Enhancing user engagement on social media platforms such as Twitter is imperative for sports franchises, organizations and individual influencers because higher engagement correlates positively with better sponsorships. ...