Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 96-115 of 470
ECIL: a case study of environmental and organiztional response in the public sector
(1987)A major function Of general management has been noted in the business policy literature as that of ensuring a "match" on a continuing basis between the characteristics of the organization and those of the environment. ... -
Ecological movements - strategies for managing conflicts around natural resources-A case of forests
(1992)The state owns and controls the natural resources in India. It is accountable for scarcity of natural resources through its actions or inaction. It is also responsible for the design of a system of property rights for ... -
Economic analysis of the Indian paper industry
(1999)The Indian paper industry has been significantly affected by the changes in the economic and policy environments. The industry has been completely de-licensed and prices are no more state controlled. Foreign companies are ... -
Economic factors influencing the export performance of indian private corporate sector - pre and post liberalisation
(2001)The Background for present Research: The classical theory postulates maximization of profits as the basis for a firm's behavior. Later developments have considered other basic objectives like 'maximization of sales ... -
Economic performance of the ancillary industry in India: managerial and policy implications
(1978)Ancillary units are small Firms that manufacture and supply intermediate goods to large Firms or master units. In India, the official definitions of a small scale unit and an ancillary unit, for registration, imply that ... -
The Effect of Organizational Identification on Emotional Labor: A Study in the Indian Pharmaceutical Sector
(2009)Organizations depend on customers for their survival and growth. With increased importance of customers, organizational focus has expanded from the traditional economic rationale associated with the product (service) to ... -
Effect of perceived risk and context on consumer inferencing about missing information
(2002)Consumers adopt different strategies for evaluation of a brand when information regarding an attribute is not available. One of those is differencing strategy in which consumers infer or ‘construct’ values for the missing ... -
The Effect of prices and exchange rates on India's foreign trade flows: an empirical study
(2003)After independence India followed an industrial policy based on import substitution, assuming that price related measures are ineffective due to lower demand elasticities of both, exports and imports. Moreover the exports ... -
Effectiveness of industrial relations systems at the enterprise level
(1980)Effectiveness of the industrial relations sub-system of an organization is crucial to its overall effectiveness. Organizational functioning can be seriously eroded by imbalance within the industrial relations subsystem. ... -
Effectiveness of the public distribution channel - the case of controlled cloth distribution
(1979)The study was aimed at determining whether, in the light of the changing nature of products proposed to be distributed to the economically weaker sections of the population the public distribution channel, as it is organized ... -
Effects of price discrepancies, referents for comparison and prior trust in seller on buyers perceptions of price unfairness, subsequent trust and purchase intention
(2010)In purchase situations, buyers frequently make comparisons with reference transactions are used as a standard against which the observed purchase price of a product is evaluated. However prices in the market place vary and ... -
Efficient tabu search implementations for asymmetric traveling salesman problems
(2009)Combinatorial optimization problems are widely used to model various managerial problems including scheduling, location, routing etc. Many of these problems are known to be NP-hard. Therefore, heuristics and metaheuristics ... -
Emerging patterns of transnational activity in India: a study of foreign collaboration intentions in the 1990s
(1999)The context: Policy changes initiated in July 1991, have seen the number of foreign collaboration intentions into India approved by the ministry of industry more than double every year to average 1,827 in number during ... -
An empirical exploration of education and inequality – Three essays
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2018)Education has been reckoned as means through which life chances of the poor and the disadvantaged improve. However, prior research has also attributed education as being one of the key channels by which economic inequality ... -
Energy security in South Asia: integrating the primary energy and electricity markets
(2003)Energy security has influenced world events during the past century. In the last decade, the Asian region has emerged as the new growing consumer of energy. South Asia, a fast growing region is faced with the issue of ... -
Energy, economy and emissions in India: analysis using equilibrium models
(1999)Rapid development, increased use of fossil fuels, depletion of natural resources of energy, and increased level of carbon dioxide emissions are some of the major concerns facing the world today. The concerns, specially the ... -
Energy-environment policy and technology selection: modeling and analysis for India
(1996)Energy is a critical input to economic growth. The Indian energy sector is already under strain due to shortages in commercial energy supply, low reserves of oil and gas. high oil imports, unsustainable use of biomass in ... -
Entry conditions, relative role of owners and management, strategic conduct and performance: a study of large firms of major Indian industries
(1988)The major criticisms of neoclassical theory of the firm are concerned with its assumptions of ‘profit maximization’, ‘perfect information’ and ‘consensual and unitary decision making process’. Alternative theories -- ... -
Environment, business strategy and buyer supplier relationship: exploration of linkages
(1999)Research on the nature of buyer-supplier relationship is still in a nascent in context of developing countries like India. With economic liberalization and mounting pressure on firms to be competitive , buyer-supplier ... -
Environmental Compliance: A case study of the Alang ship-breaking yard
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2003)A study of the Alang Ship-breaking Yard, Gujarat was undertaken to examine the factors responsible for environmental non-compliance. Levels of pollution can be lowered through effective environmental regulations. The ...