Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 264-283 of 470
Job performance of women at work in rural India: Job demands-resources (JD-R) perspective
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)Rural working women in India represent a highly potential but mainly underutilized human resource whose job performance has individual as well as community level ramifications. Difficult geographies that are characterized ... -
Job satisfaction of frontline enforcement officers: a study of job demands, resources, stressors (JDRS) among officers of Indian Customs
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2023)"The enforcement and regulatory public services, operating in a highly sensitive context with national security implications, display high job demands relative to resources. This study examines it through Frontline Customs ... -
Joint R&D projects of industrial firms and technology institutions with developmental financial institutional support: a strategy process study
(1996)Introduction: This study develops an empirically based conceptually derived typology and model of the process through which industrial firms and technology institutions (Tis) such as technology universities and national ... -
Lags in the transmission process of monetary policy in India
(1981)Monetary policy has been a major instrument of economic stabilization. Reliance on monetary policy for this purpose involves two main assumptions. a. That monetary policy is effective in influence the operation of ... -
Language Abstraction In Marketing Communication: Online Reviews Of Product Failure Context
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2015)Although language is an essential component of word of mouth (WOM) there is limited understanding of how language used in WOM messages affects receivers. Extant research indicates that there are three dimensions of language: ... -
Language adaptation and advertising effectiveness: a study in a multi-cultural advertising context
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2011)The Indian television Advertising appears to predominantly standardize its creative strategy and a large part of the creative execution, allowing only localization of the language of the message to regional tastes. Systematic ... -
Learned helplessness in organizations
(1990)Problems and aversive situations usually make individuals engage in problem solving activities. Yet some people remain passive and apathetic. They tend to not do anything and quietly suffer the unpleasant consequences of ... -
Learned helplessness in the banking sector: interaction of individual and role characteristics
(1994)Learned helplessness (LH) syndrome is widespread in organizations. After repeated exposure to uncontrollable events, people come to expect that outcomes are not related to efforts. The expectation of uncontrollability leads ... -
Let's Put a Smile on that Face: A Study on the Embeddedness of Humorous Advertisements
(2016)The phenomenon of embeddedness has implications in the field of advertising, as the context in which ads are shown is one of the salient factors influencing their evaluation. The affect transfer hypothesis and 'mood as ... -
Life cycle costs and energy market equilibrium: a policy assessment for India
(2009)Energy production and consumption cause unintended impacts. Their exclusion by the market leads to sub-optimal resource allocations. Conventionally, market correction is proposed through Pigouviantaxes or Coasianbar gaining ... -
Lifestyles of Indian managers: an exploratory study of the images, experiences and impact of collectors in their districts
(1982)This is a study of the lifestyles of the managers of the districts celled district collectors in a State. The study has attempted to understand and describe the lifestyles of the individuals, discover the areas of commonalities ... -
Linkages between human resource flexibility, ambidexterity and successful outcomes in the context of information technology firms
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)Management of alternate contexts that may arise due to a volatile exogenous environment can compel an organisation to explore new capabilities along with the exploitation of existing capabilities (O'Reilly and Tushman, ... -
Liquidity: effect on securities returns in Indian capital markets
(1994)In the mainstream literature of finance, Liquidity of an asset has not been considered an important determinant of its expected return or its price. There have been, however, few empirical and theoretical works which point ... -
Long-term technology strategies and policies for Indian power sector
(2001)Power sector technology strategy issues in the long-term covers a wide spectrum of economic, technological, environmental, institutional and socio-political issues. The broad research objective is to assess technology ... -
Management investment and risks in Indian electricity generation markets
(2010)Electricity and energy market reforms are the two key challenges before policymakers under the broad goals of climate change mitigation and energy security. The central policy challenge in managing investment and risks in ... -
Management of exchange rates: India's experience
(1985)In today's world or internationalized markets, managing exchange rate is as important, if not more, as managing the domestic money supply and price level. This is true for both the developed as well as the developing ... -
Management of in-house technology development and transfer: a process study in the Indian pharmaceutical and chemical industries
(1997)Technology development has played a central role in the growth and diversification of many industries and firms in the advanced economies. However the same cannot be said of the Indian industry. On the contrary there has ... -
Managerial cognition and action in complex problem solving
(1997)The ability to solve problems effectively is an important characteristic that distinguishes a competent manager from the others. Many managerial problems are routine in nature with ready-made or programmed solutions available ... -
Managerial heuristics of pioneering innovative (PI) entrepreneurs: an exploratory study
(1988)Managerial heuristics are defined as the decision-rules guiding the less programmed decisions of entrepreneurs/executives. A review of literature on entrepreneurship suggests that the scene is dominated by the search for ... -
Managers' satisfaction with performance appraisal system: an empirical study
(1994)Research about performance appraisal systems can be divided into four categories: those which focus on (a) rather cognitive processes and related issues; (b) rating scales, formats and methods; (c) the efficiency of the ...