Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 324-343 of 470
Occupational withdrawal: a study of Indian MNOs in the International Shipping Industry
(1998)Occupation in a popular sense connotes the kind of work performed by an individual for livelihood. Change in the kind of work performed declares occupational withdrawal from the individual's perspective and occupational ... -
Operational planning for large State Road Transport Corporation
(1982)This dissertation addresses to operational planning problem for large public road transport networks typically operated by the state road transport corporations (SRTCs). The problem involves several operational constraints ... -
Organisational characteristics and unit performance - the case of bank branches
(1978)This dissertation is a study of organizational performance and the identification of managerial and organizational characteristics which are associated with high and low performing organizations, The units which have been ... -
An organisational enquiry into social movement
(1993)Social movements, as a genre of phenomena, could potentially find an important place within the broad concerns of public systems. The present research, which probes into the principal problematique concerning social ... -
Organisational restructuring an exploratory study of Indian organizations
(2005)Globally organizations look at restructuring to increase competitiveness and enhance performance under uncertain business environment. The western economics witnessed a spurt of restructuring in the 1980s as a response to ... -
Organizational commitment and human resource management: a study of mangers in cooperatives
(1985)The purpose of this study was: (a) to find the relationship between Organizational Commitment (OC) and several characteristics of the Human Resource Management (HRM) mechanisms, viz., Recruitment, Selection, Compensation, ... -
Organizations as agents of social change: policy orientation and organizational design
(1988)This study is an exploration of the organizational design of voluntary organizations in India. The focus of the study was to understand what configurations of characteristics are associated with different policy stances ... -
Orientation of professionals in family-owned/managed organizations: the case of engineers
(1994)The industrial revolution has led to emergence of the new occupational class which in popular business literature as well as research journals, has been referred to as professionals. Engineers and accountants are typical ... -
Overcoming institutional voids in the agricultural product market: analysing the role of farmer organizations
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2023)"In this thesis, we analyse the ability of farmer organizations to overcome institutional voids in the agricultural product markets. We further look at the impact of membership to one such farmer organization i.e., farmer ... -
Patterns and Determinant of Internationalization by New Ventures in India: A study of entrepreneurial, firm and industry factors
(2016)Researchers had recognized the important contribution of SMEs to international trade, but Oviatt & Mcdougall (1994) highlighted the importance of younger and smaller firms and their distinguishing features that help them ... -
Peer mentoring of school-based mentors: an exploratory study of mentoring relationships in public schools in urban Delhi
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2023)"Peer mentoring of mentors, as a mechanism for the job-embedded professional development of mentors, provides opportunities for more competent mentors to guide the development of their mentor colleagues. The mentoring ... -
Perceived organisational support and organisational commitment: the mediational influence of psychological well being
(2005)Organizational commitment (OC) is perhaps one of the most researched topics in organizational behavior studied. It characterizes employee relationship with their organization and influences their decision to continue with ... -
Perception of foreignness of brands: An investigation of consumers classification schema and its impact on brand evaluations
(2016)Country-of-origin (COO) affects consumers’ perceptions towards brands and products. However, research also suggests that consumers rarely recognize brand origins accurately (Balabanis & Diamantopoulos, 2008; Samiee, Shimp ... -
Performance and impact of national multi-commodity exchanges on the marketing and price-risk management of agricultural commodities
(2008)This research undertakes a detailed examination of the performance and impact of recently started National Multi Commodity Exchanges on the marketing and price risk management of agricultural commodities in India. With the ... -
Performance and prospects for the Indian man - made fibers industry
(1980)This thesis has comprehensively studied various aspects of the man-made fibres industry like demand, cost conditions, profitability, investment and financial decisions. It has also probed in-depth into the factors responsible ... -
Performance of new equity share issues: an India experience
(1981)Oversubscription of public issues of new equity shares was a common phenomenon experienced in India during the Seventies. The overwhelming public response to new equity issues, which are normally considered riskier than ... -
Performance variation across industries: role of ownership, trade and market structure
(1992)Performance of industry has been of concern to academicians as well as to practitioners and politicians. Industrial growth has been considered essential to improve the standard of living through higher productivity of ... -
Performing eating out: organizing food-spaces and 'new' forms of working
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2021)I seek to understand the processes of organising that emerges and manifests as food-spaces, where class and gender are constructed and performed. Such spaces may be constituted as 'eating-out' spaces, work-spaces and social ... -
Planning for computer-based management information systems for municipal corporations
(1977)Consequent to the recommendations of the administrative reforms commission, some serious attempts have been made to introduce formal management information system in central and state government departments. The present ... -
Planning for conjunctive use of surface and ground water for irrigated agriculture: a systems approach
(1991)Attempts to control the occurrence of – waterlogging of agricultural land, spreading soil salinity and rising water-table in saline groundwater zones, has met with very limited success for most medium and major irrigation ...