Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 453-470 of 470
Unbundling innovation strategies: firms’ technological choices and complementarities-in-performance of innovation inputs and outputs across developing countries
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2022)Innovation is considered a multi-level construct and it takes the form of (i) inputs and (ii) outputs. Based on this, the thesis considers three inter-related questions in the form of three essays: (1) What factors (firm, ... -
Uncertainty and risk management of climate change impacts on infrastructure assets
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014)Infrastructure assets are a constrained resource in India and face stress from population growth, increased urbanization, resource variability and use, and economic growth. Climate change is an additional stress which has ... -
Understanding hospital performance: an empirical study
(1994)The different categories of hospitals in India (government, voluntary, for-profit), have different ideologies which have traditionally governed their ways of functioning. With the contexts they work in getting increasingly ... -
Understanding the Experiences of ‘Not Knowing’ in Workplace
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2015)‘Knowing’ is respected, recognized and rewarded, and is the dominant discourse in organizations. The key for understanding and analyzing issues or problems or situations is often seen as ‘knowing’. Amidst the emphasis on ... -
Understanding work engagement of start-up employees using a mixed method approach
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2023)"Over the last decade, the robust start-up ecosystem has significantly contributed towards global economic growth and employment generation. However, due to increased market competition and dynamicity, start-ups are ... -
Unity of labour in the context of political diversity
(1989)Labour disunity in India has been generally ascribed to the multiplicity in trade unionism. The responsibility for such a political ideologies that exist in India. It needs no in-depth study of the Indian political scenario ... -
Urban land use and the heat island effect
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2020)Higher urban temperatures, driven by the urban heat island (UHI) effect, have several negative health and economic implications such as heat stroke and higher air conditioning usage. The UHI is linked to urban land use. ... -
Use of credibility theory for rate-making in marine (Cargo) insurance business
(1976)Marine (cargo) Insurance is one of the commercial lines of insurance business. Traditionally, rate-making in this line is intuitive, based on individual knowledge, wisdom and general feel of underwriters. The extent of ... -
Use of information technology by retail banks in India and France
(1999)One central concern of the strategy fields is to study the development of well adopted organization. The related question of how some firms differ from others, and how these differences are related performance has also ... -
Valuation of securities and influence of value on financial decisions of a firm
(1980)In this dissertation the price behavior of common stock of Indian private sector companies has been studied in two time perspectives, the short-run and the long-run. The study of day-to-day price behaviour has been undertaken ... -
Variations in the use of electronic medical records in obstetrics and gynecology consultation: role of sociocultural aspects
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2021)The use of electronic medical records (EMRs) in providing quality care for patients is spreading across countries including India. A systematic review of the literature reveals that EMR systems are designed as the database ... -
Voyage allocation and fuelling decisions in shipping
(1980)The thesis considers the following two types of problems in shipping viz.(i) Allocation of planned voyages to ships and Iii) Cargo mix cum fuelling decisions. The first problem considers deploying of different classes of ... -
Water resources management for a multipurpose project: an operational perspective
(1983)The study aims at looking into the operations of a multipurpose project with a view to efficient water management. Lkai-Kakrapal project, the largest in operation in Gujarat is taken for the purpose. Given the Ukai system, ... -
Welfare programs and household behaviour: the case of MGNREGS
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2023)"The welfare effects of workfare programs like India’s Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) have been identified and measured extensively in the literature. I hypothesize that both the temporal ... -
Why are “free” policy benefits left on the table?: Examining the role & cost-effectiveness of informational assistance strategies on policy take-up in India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2018)‘Non-take-up’ of welfare benefits has emerged as a recurring empirical phenomenon across social welfare schemes around the world. People from disadvantaged backgrounds are often seen not utilizing ‘free’ benefits they are ... -
Work-family conflict across the work-family life cycle: a study of dual career couples
(1996)Work-family conflict (WFC) is a form of inter-role conflict that arises due to incompatible pressures from the work and family domains. It is a form of role conflict that has been found to have a detrimental effect on ... -
Workplace gender dilemmas: insights from women's narratives
(2011)The phenomenon of workplace gender diversity has become a reality today even in India and across the globe (Budhwar, Saini and Bhatnagar, 2005). However, this diversity has triggered challenges both for management and the ... -
Workplace incivility antecedents and outcomes-implications on HR practices
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2021)Counterproductive and deviant behavior at the workplace can take many forms from rudeness to bullying to abusive supervision to even violence. In the recent decade, there has been a lot of research on the antecedents and ...