Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 164-183 of 470
Exploring the impact of employee perceptions of CSR on work related behavior with spirituality as a moderator
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)With the passage of Indian Companies Act (2013), a new thrust among the managers and researchers has developed for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) research. The extant literature review on CSR suggests a scarcity of ... -
Exploring the trajectory of moral courage in whistleblowing at work: actual whistleblowers’ lived experiences
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2024)Wrongdoings at work have the potential to harm the interests of individuals, organizations and the wider society, making it necessary that they get reported to prevent adverse consequences. Accordingly, whistleblowing at ... -
Exploring welfare maximizing SPS standards in a game-theoretic framework: a case of Indo-US trade in wheat and mango
(2010)As the trade quotas have been eliminated under GATT and tariffs have been rationalized under WTO; the focal point of disputes and negotiations in international trade has shifted to non-tariff barriers, particularly Sanitary ... -
Exploring Work Intensification: A Case of Telehomework in the Information Technology Sector in India
(Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2015)Most scholars who empirically examined the link between work intensification and telehomework consider work intensification as an outcome of telehomework. However, a few others suggest that work intensification engenders ... -
Exports and economic growth in India: - an empirical investigation
(1993)It has often been argued that the external sector constitutes a small proportion of India’s economy (imports and exports as a proportion of GNP were 8.2 per cent and 6.2 per cent respectively for 1990/91), and hence trade ... -
Extent of exposure and satisfaction with exposure as predictors of attitudes towards women as managers
(1988)Several organizations appear to discriminate against women. This discrimination is commonly traced to the stereotypic attitudes of male managers toward women as managers. Reducing discrimination, therefore, requires changing ... -
Factors influencing commitment of key individuals towards an organisational transformation
(1998)Recent years have been marked by many significant changes in the technological, socio—cultural, competitive, political and legal conditions faced by Indian organizations. To sustain growth and profitability in such fast ... -
Factors influencing the performance of IS megaproject in an emerging economy: the freight operations information system of the Indian railways
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2021-09-13)IS megaprojects (ISMPs) are long duration complex ventures that involve extremely largescale investments, are transformational in nature, influence large populations and engage multiple public and private stakeholders. ... -
Factors related to empowerment of women employees in a streotypical job
(2010)1990s as has been noted as "empowerment era" by some writers {e.g., Hardy, & Lieba O'Sullivan, 1998; Waif, Wood, & Leach, 2004). Empowerment plays a significant role in realizing human potential (Spreitzer, 1992). Right ... -
Father-son relationship dynamics and individual performance: A study of the marwari family business
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)Family businesses with their overlapping systems of business, ownership and family (Gersick, Davis, Hampton, & Lansberg, 1997) represent a distinctive class of organizations encompassing the economic landscape of nations. ... -
Financial sector reforms in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka
(1997)In the context of Structural Adjustment which involved changing the relative wrights of public and private sectors in the economic matters. Financial Sector Reforms assume added significance as financial institutions have ... -
Firm aspirations, resource orchestration and performance: a study of Indian firms
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2020)Resource orchestration is characterized by a series of firm-level strategic actions – from search and selection of assets (resource investment) to the bundling and leveraging of these assets (resource deployment) – and ... -
Firm level technological learning and performance: an empirical study in the Indian drugs and pharmaceutical industry
(1997)Firms acquire technological capability through a process of technological learning. The extant literature indicates that the process of technological learning influences a firm’s technological performance. The conceptual ... -
Formation process of public private partnership in transport infrastructure in India
(2009)The dissertation suggests that an attempt to create strong relational arrangements along with the contractual arrangements would lead to higher rate of success in PPP. Relational arrangements have become a major determinant ... -
A framework for infrastructure planning.
(1980)This dissertation is concerned with some aspects of infra-structure planning at the Taluka level. The infra-structure facilities considered are Education, Health and Road networks. Essentially the focus of the study is on ... -
A framework to analyse the telecommunications policy process in India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)Theories of the policy process refer to the body of theories that may be used as a lens to develop a structured view of the public policy process. What strikingly emerges from a review of literature is that academicians ... -
Freedom Related Practices and Corporate Effectiveness: An Exploratory Study
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2003)This study explores the relationship between the practices embedded in the notion of freedom within the corporate context and corporate effectiveness. It hypothesizes that those corporate organizations that grant greater ... -
From Needing Help to Seeking Help: A Cross-Cultural Exploration of Interpersonal Help Seeking Behavior in the Software Industry
(2012)Helping behavior is appreciated and rewarded, and helping interactions are greatly encouraged in organizations. Research in organizational behavior too is replete with studies on helping and on helpers. The present study ... -
Function and effectiveness of product management institution in Indian consumer goods industry
(1976)The Product Management Institution (PMI), a comparatively new organizational approach is gaining popularity among the Indian consumer goods manufacturing during the last decade and half. In this system, an individual is ... -
Future energy transitions in India: an assessment of new and renewable energy technologies
(2006)Energy systems development has always depended on choices made by consumers, producers, governments and societies. Historically, the choices are made in favour of those alternatives that are most satisfactory in terms of ...