Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 204-223 of 470
Impact Of Bundle Forms On Change In Consumers’ Internal Reference Price (IRP) Of Bundle Components
(2016)Consumers’ internal reference price (IRP) is an internal standard against which observed prices are compared. Promotions on individual products lead to change (reduction) in consumers’ IRP leading to lower purchase of ... -
Impact of CEO Succession on Strategic Changes in Large Indian Firms
(2016)This thesis integrates aspects of CEO cognition, managerial discretion, firm’s internal dynamics and institutional drivers to better understand the impact of CEO succession on strategic changes. This is the first broad-based ... -
Impact of fiscal incentives on corporate financial decisions
(1980)The Government from time to time comes up with certain fiscal incentives to affect the behaviour of the private sector to achieve the desired goal. In this thesis we have made an attempt to study the impact of two such ... -
The impact of non-volitional interferences on product evaluation and choice
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2019)The integration of our lives with internet, smartphones and wearable devices has made interferences (such as interruptions and distractions) pervasive. This research investigates the impact of such interferences on information ... -
Impact of order of presentation and prominent presentation of brand and attribute on consumers’ willingness to pay
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2020)How does differential presentation of the components of a product – brand and attribute(s) – impact consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for the product? In this thesis, we attempt to answer this question through two essays. ... -
Impact of Overlapping Price Ranges on Psychological Price Perception: Revisiting The Range Theory of Pricing
(2016)The context in which a product is seen has an impact on the behavior of consumers. Specifically the impact of the context provided by the most and least extreme values, i.e., the range of stimuli presented has been well ... -
Impact of Perceived Bases of Power of Brand on Consumers’ Behaviour and Attitude in a Brand-Consumer Relationship Context
(2013)Research suggests that brands have human like qualities (Aaker, 1997; Aaker & Fournier, 1995; Levy, 1985; McGill, 2000) and consumers can form relationships with brands as they form social relationships with other human ... -
Impact of perceived overqualification on salesperson performance
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2013)Salesperson performance is a key indicator of organizational performance. We know that many different factors such as qualification level, selling skills, organizational culture, reward systems etc. influence salesperson ... -
Impact of political and economic events on stock price behaviour
(1989)The Indian capital markets have been, during the past decade, a major medium of channelizing the savings to the productive sectors of the economy. The relaxation of government controls in the eighties has given a big boost ... -
Impact of Prework in Dyads on Information Sharing In Groups
(2012)One of the basic reasons for group formation is their ability to bring a variety of expertise and abilities at one place. It is expected that diverse information and expertise will be shared among group members and such ... -
Impact of product on the life styles of its consumers: the case of domestic liquefied petroleum gas
(1980)Many of the impacts which marketing actions create on the environment transcend the typical marketers’ interests. These impacts are are being only recently recognized under the banner of ‘Macro-marketing’. There has been, ... -
Impact of Quantity Scarcity and Time Scarcity Appeals on Consumers’ Response: Role of Need for Uniqueness and Deal Proneness
(2013)The promotion of products and brands has become increasingly important for marketing managers over the years. One of the commonly used ways to promote a product or brand is through scarcity appeal. Scarcity appeal is defined ... -
Impact of regulation change on earnings quality in India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)The primary objective of this thesis is to examine the impact of regulation change on earnings quality. This work is organized into two distinct chapters. The first chapter examines the impact of auditor appointment ... -
Implementation and administration of a management control system
(1976)The study, reported in this dissertation, had two objectives: 1. To identify the problems arising during implementation and administration of management control systems and recommend methods to reduce these problems; 2. ... -
Implementation of health care programmes: development of an operational framework
(2011)Management’s quest to identify and understand the factors influencing the performance of an organisation has been ubiquitous. The attempt has been to identify what factors influence the conversion of intent into performance ... -
Implementation of quality management programmes as a process of planned organisational change
(1998)In the last decade, Indian organizations have been paying increasing attention to quality of products and services. Reasons for this focus on quality are increased competition and more demanding and discerning customers ... -
Implications of delivering healthcare through strategic partnerships under publicly funded health insurance schemes: analysis of equity in access, demand for health services and quality of care in Indian context
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2021)In forwarding the agenda of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), developing countries, including India, have adopted Publicly Funded Health Insurance Schemes (PFHIs) to serve their impoverished population. When PFHIs are ... -
Implications of electricity reforms on technology and environment
(2005)India has initiated economic reforms in the early nineties with the aim of globalization of the economy and making it competitive in the international market. Reforms in the electricity sector were initiated encouraging ... -
In the pursuit of international assignment success: role of cultural intelligence
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2021)International assignments form the backbone of global human resource management. These assignments have been elemental for various business strategies, control, coordination, knowledge transfer, and the development of ... -
Incentive effects of pay for performance on employee motivation, performance and well-being: a self-determination perspective
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2021)Pay-for-performance (PFP) is a financial incentive component of employee compensation that is contingent on performance. It is rewarded to the employee in recognition of the past performance and also acts an incentive for ...