Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 247-266 of 470
Inter-firm linkages and small-scale enterprises: a study of sub-contracting relationships
(2000)The diversity of inter-firm linkages, networks, alliances, and subcontracting, has thrown up fresh challenges for industrial organization literature. A number of studies attempt to analyses the factors that contribute to ... -
Interaction between production scheduling and dispatching: an experimental study in an MRP frame work
(1987)Operations Planning seeks to determine the best utilization of existing resources that will help in achieving the objectives set for Operations Management. It takes the production system as given and attempts to suggest, ... -
Interdependence structure of Indian financial markets: an empirical investigation
(2000)The financial sector reforms in India have ushered in wide ranging changes in the financial markets in India. Beginning in the mid-nineties, many of the barriers that had hitherto restricted the flow of funds across the ... -
Interim financial reports: comparative practices and evidence of usefulness in the Indian context
(1995)Interim Financial Reports (IFRs) are financial reports published by Companies between two successive Annual Reports. IFRs may be published every half year as in the UK or every quarter as in the USA. lFRs were introduced ... -
International competitiveness of Indian sugar industry
(1999)Despite being the largest producer of sugar in the world, doubts are often raised about global competitiveness of the Indian sugar industry by quarters concerned with future direction of industry’s trade in a liberalized ... -
International competitiveness of selected Indian Industries - an empirical analysis
(1995)Rationale and Objectives. The recent inflow and projections of foreign investments into India indicate that the international investing community views India as a, potentially high growth economy, whose industries are ... -
International trade behavior of firms: a study of transactions carried out across countries with special reference to selected French and Indian firms in leather shoes industry
(1997)There is general agreement among trade theorists that there is an only net gain to be realized in a world of free trade without any barriers across borders. Traditional and new trade theories explain international trade ... -
International Trade: Elixir Or Venom For Health?
(2016)The impact of globalization, especially economic globalization, on human development of underdeveloped countries has been a widely debated topic. There are two contrarian views: modernization view that sees globalization ... -
Internationalization of emerging market firms: A dynamic capability perspective
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)The dissertation empirically explains how dynamic capabilities enable emerging market firms (EMFs) to expand into international markets and generate higher performance through international expansion. With the help of three ... -
Internationalization process of industrial firms: a study on the auto-component manufacturers in India and Canada
(1999)Recent studies have observed the increasing participation of firms from developing countries in international trade. They have significantly increased the size and scope of their activities across a range of industries ... -
Interorganizational co-ordination in development programms: a case on integrated child development services
(1989)In recent years integrated approach has been adopted and multi-agency effort envisaged in the implementation of government development programmes in sectors like agriculture, health, education. Some of these programmes are ... -
Interplay of religion and marketplace transactions
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)Through an ethnographic study of an Indian marketplace, I examine how religion shapes marketplace transactions. In considering the impact of religion on marketplace transactions, I find that impression management through ... -
Intraday activity patterns and market microstructure effects in Indian capital markets: an empirical investigation using high frequency data
(2010)This study analyzes the intraday activity (volatility, volume and trade frequency) patterns and market microstructure effects in the Indian capital market using a large dataset. Intraday 5-minutes volume and volatility are ... -
Introducing management control systems for construction projects
(1985)The construction industry plays an important role in the overall economy, social growth and development by its contribution to gross domestic product and employment. It is estimated that during the Sixth plan, the industry ... -
Investigating the ‘private’ in the educational technology field: imaginaries and precarity in educational provisioning in India
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2023)"Globally, the rise of the Educational Technology (EdTech) field has been accompanied by the growth of the market in education. Working alongside the dispersed policy networks and the discourse of ‘disruption’, the interests ... -
Investment options and least cost planning in the electricity sector in India
(2002)Today, the notion that all of the electricity sector is a natural monopoly, and as such is best organized as a regulated monopoly is no longer valid. Developments in contracting in regulation methods, in information ... -
Investment, profits and capacity utilisation in the Indian cement industry
(1984)This thesis studies various indicators of performance in the lndian Cement Industry like investment, profit and profitability and capacity utilization. An attempt was also made to explain the behavior of these performance ... -
Job performance of women at work in rural India: Job demands-resources (JD-R) perspective
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2017)Rural working women in India represent a highly potential but mainly underutilized human resource whose job performance has individual as well as community level ramifications. Difficult geographies that are characterized ... -
Job satisfaction of frontline enforcement officers: a study of job demands, resources, stressors (JDRS) among officers of Indian Customs
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2023)"The enforcement and regulatory public services, operating in a highly sensitive context with national security implications, display high job demands relative to resources. This study examines it through Frontline Customs ... -
Joint R&D projects of industrial firms and technology institutions with developmental financial institutional support: a strategy process study
(1996)Introduction: This study develops an empirically based conceptually derived typology and model of the process through which industrial firms and technology institutions (Tis) such as technology universities and national ...