Browsing Thesis and Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 76-95 of 470
Developing competitiveness of Indian floriculture industry: a study based on Israeli experience
(1998)Countries in the present world-order are compelled to compete with each other; not only for development, but also for their existence. The new unfolding world 'order' with developments in international trade, moving towards ... -
Development and validation of the menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) scale for adolescent girls and teachers: associating MHH needs, practices, beliefs and experiences of adolescent girls and teachers with student engagement
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2023)"There is limited literature exploring the breadth of menstrual practices and how it affects student engagement levels in school among adolescent girls in India. This research tries to address this gap by (a) developing a ... -
Development of dynamic capabilities in international joint ventures: an investigation within the context of insurance industry of an emerging economy
(2014)The study of international joint ventures (IJV) has been dominated by the focus on partner interactions as the underlying theoretical construct. It is argued that a less studied but relevant lens is that of development of ... -
Development, climate change and Indian cities: framing and implementing policies
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2019)Cities in India are already experiencing enhanced climate variability and extremes in annual precipitation and temperature events. A city’s climate is affected both by global warming and local factors such as its built ... -
Developmentally effective experiences in a graduate business school and their role in self-authorship among students
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2021)Holistic student development is an important objective of higher education. It requires students to move from a conventional assumptions-based mode of understanding to a critical, systemic thinking that enables the development ... -
Diffusion of biogas plants in rural Gujarat
(1996)Biogas plants offer many benefits for regions facing cooking fuel scarcity. It utilizes cattle dung to provide clean burning gas. The refuse of the plant(slurry) retains the nutrient value of dung and hence is useful as ... -
Disaggregate study of mode choice for inland movement of export cargo containerized on sea
(2001)Containerized mode of transport, by ensuring smooth and seamless movement of cargo, has become the predominant means of export of general cargo by sea. It adds value to the shipper by ensuring door to door delivery with ... -
Discontinuities of Environmental Elements, Firm Responses, and Dynamic Capabilities: An Empirical Investigation of Interrelations in Select Indian Manufacturing Sectors
(2012)Continuities, discontinuities (deletions), and additions of environmental elements are important realities of a firm’s environment. They pose distinct managerial challenges and demand capabilities to enable the firm to ... -
Distribution strategies and performance: a cross-national comparison of the automobile industry
(1999)This research focused on a crossed-national comparison of distribution of passenger car manufacturers and dealers, and resultant performance in channels of distribution. The comparison was conducted between a typical ... -
Diversified Indian companies: a study of strategies and financial performance
(1985)In the second half of the twentieth century the corporate profile in advanced countries like USA and UK had undergone significant changes as a result of diversification strategies by their business corporations. Diversification ... -
Do price promotions lead to lost customers? the impact of perceived control, psychological ownership, and psychological distance on promotional credit
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2024)Promotional credit is a unique price promotion that requires more than one purchase to realize savings and is valid until redemption or expiry of credit. This thesis focuses on the impact of (a) restrictions on promotional ... -
Do stress and personality determine health of the Indian executive?
(1988)Many researchers have concluded that stress causes illness. This conclusion is based on studies with cross sectional designs that found correlations between stress and illness. However, this conclusion has been criticized ... -
Does Strategic Planning Determine Innovation in Organizations? A Study of Indian SME Sector
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2015)Innovation is considered to be a source of competitive advantage. Not surprisingly, innovation has been a matter of scholarly interest for several decades now. However, despite its critical importance to the strategy ... -
Drivers, Facilitators and Consequences: Exploring & Examining Job Crafting among Management Consultants
(2016)The job crafting perspective considers the ways in which employees proactively alter their tasks, relationships and perceptions at work in order to achieve a personalized fit to their work environment. Studies confirm that ... -
Dual Channel Selling in Online Stores: Simultaneous Auctions and Posted Prices
(2009)The growth in the size and reach of the World Wide Web has given a boost to online selling. The physical location of buyers is immaterial for online selling. Such a situation is particularly favorable for conducting ... -
The Dynamic multistage multicommodity process selection - location - production - allocation (DMMSLPA) model for centralised.
(1985)The concern of the present work is to determine the optimal or near—optimal growth strategy for a process industry from the point of view of the Central Planner of a country. This involves determining optimal locations of ... -
The dynamics of bid-ask spread in an order driven market: the case of Indian stock market
(2011)Bid-ask spread is the most important part of transaction costs for any asset class in the financial market. It affects the way information gets impounded into prices and thus price discovery of the asset. Bid ask spread, ... -
Dynamics of energy and electricity markets: policy analysis for India
(2002)Energy and electricity markets have very long term implications as energy supply projects typically have long gestation periods and lifetimes; environmental impacts manifest over centuries; and availability of primary ... -
Dynamics of funding women entrepreneurs - A gendered lens
(Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2023)"The start-up ecosystem in India is currently the third largest in the world, trailing only behind USA and China. However, women were founders of 11% of the Indian start-ups. Starkly, only 6% of the funding goes to companies ... -
Dynamics of Strategy implementation: a study of international joint ventures
(1992)The importance of cooperative strategies in today's business world has been increasing. Of the various mechanisms by which such strategies are realized (like technology collaborations. licensing. joint ventures, contractual ...