Exports and future export plans of large Indian companies 1970-75
Export development policy at the national level for the coming years will have to take into account
the capability of the larger manufacturing companies to generate exports and ways and means
to activate them towards incorporating export development plans on a larger scale as a part of their
individual corporate development strategies.
Efforts should be made, therefore, to understand the corporate development plans at the firm
level and to influence these plans so that a long-term commitment is built in towards developing exports,
and provision is made for the intensive marketing and other inputs that would be needed for
producing the desired results.
Future export policy should be based on integration of the export development plans of the
larger manufacturing enterprises which are formulated within the broad framework of the objectives
and priorities of the national export policy.
This paper presents the restdts of a survey of the exports and future export plans of large
Indian companies during the period 1970-75.
- Journal Articles [3726]