Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Agritech Company Limited 

      Narayanan, M. (2010-08-09)
      Floriculture Industry is Identified as "THRUST ARSA" so as to export however and earn foreign exchange, in the new era after economic reforms in India. Many companies are opening/diversifying into this industry. In this ...
    • TCI Packaging Division 

      Gandhi, Vasant P.; Narayanan, M. (2010-08-09)
      Cashew Exports, from India, traditinally has a significant place in world cashew penel rade. In early 1990, the Indian cashew Industry faced a problem and pressure from the foreign buyers to change the packaging material. ...
    • Teaching Note : TCI Package Division 

      Gandhi, Vasant P.; Narayanan, M. (2010-08-09)